my two cents


New member
Regardless of the cause. The effects are most apparent which provides or seems to provide a most conservative view of climate change without taking into account exponential effects which take place quicker than we can measure for legislative purposes. But taking a common sense mental check of what we've all heard and seen thus far will provide most of us with a sense of uneasy confusion as to where it's all going. I think overall what were looking at is more of a generational gap issue of understanding than static political environment. Inconvenient truth is dramatic and dangerous for those that eat it as a fear pill. But also a tool for individuals (who are the most persistent) to direct the ecological awareness of larger groups of people than if that video had not come out. And this media anomaly is a testament to the changing focus of young America. And many of the other countries. But ideally we will not see the effort required to reduce global emissions to "acceptable" levels within our lifetime's, whether or not we are even the cause.
What about natural distasters?
There a too many variables for us not to take captive breeding and preservation to a level not yet seen. If is the best examples of captive breeding projects we have then I think we are sorely mistaken. No disrespect though I love garf.

Aquaculture will be the only viable source of aquatic food production if the "productive" ocean does not survive the next 50 years. We need to come up with solutions outside of politics for guys like the prince of wherever to look at and go "hey I want to be the one who preserves marine biology...

What's cheaper?
Fixing the world?
Or starting your own colony and succeeding until the ignorant come to their senses?

Although I reiterate from my conservation post. The issue is politics and I like the direction we're going and I believe culture change is the only priority.. It's seems we are looking at a sort of ecological awakening... But as the law of cause and effect plays out.. time may not win the race.. and what we have to lose if hundreds of thousands to millions of years of biological evolution to the order of millions of marine organisms alone. So I think evasive preservative action is a responsibility aside from something we'd all like to see but don't think is possible.

So my challenge stands. We as the hobbyists should take the first swing at a price worthy proposal to a larger than life captive breeding facility that employs the best and brightest and feeds off of itself in as many ways as possible. Minimalistic to start, plug and play out of the box thinking approach to the fall back problem.. Outside of fix the world!!! This hobby will grow, and the livestock will decline, that's agreed upon. We are the experts in closed systems ecology.. Many of your rarest specimen would not be possible if not for the natural method approach you pain stakingly achieved and symbiotic technology is finally catching up for the human race. But terminally it is nature which will be the reciprocal answer to modernization. Reef aquarists know this with their hearts, that's why it's up to us to save what we can.

And if it's money we are talking. I'm fairly uneducated but smart enough to know that evolution is the bio winner and synthetic medical products are losing, this mrsa and the asthma and new flu strains.. Is it not obvious. So that means cha ching for anyone "conserving" captive bred coral and fish ....and sea turtles to eat all those jelly fish:) etc...

Are we squandering time?