My Ultimate Multi Mantis System(s)

I thought my multi mantis tank is complicated :L you really going to go out to the sea every time you water change? Couldn't you pump loads into a big vat and keep it stirred with a powerhead and use that for water changes?

Minimal electronic usage is the key here so I don't want to keep water in drums with pumps circulating it, besides your making it sound a lot more difficult then it is...

A quick swim out to the reef which is 15-20m off the beach then lower a hose down and turn a pump difficult is that xD certainly a lot less then anything I have had to do in the past!

There is no point in storing the water when the water source is so Aus I only stored water cause it was impossible to get NSW every week and haul 600L of it back and forth every week for water changes, so I did it once a month in Aus.

Let's not forget that I have a small army of personnel here.... :) so when I say I.....I really mean them LOL, I'm just going to sit back and "dictate" what goes where, when & how then watch! :D
Purchased a bunch of gear due to the new plans for the outside tank :) still need a few other things like a large 1000L water storage drum along with a float switch system, I am going to be elevating the water storage drum on a concrete stand beside the sump so that it is gravity fed into the sump via the float switch.

Grabbed a multi 6 way air pump for the 3 live food compartments in the sump along with 3 large flat air stones, this should keep water movement and oxygen to a maximum for the Fish, Prawns & Crabs.

Whole bunch of other stuff, special note to the 6x 1mx1m sheets of acrylic that will line the interior of the display tank to create a uniform backdrop and maybe something else...just have to wait see and test it.


I think of all the equipment I ditched (specifically a skimmer) one of the most important to keep would be a reactor with carbon, not only can the reactor run off the main return pump so its no extra cost, but carbon is really good at solving / absorbing many potentially lethal things in the water.
Updated Design of the Outdoor Aquarium System

- Added the +1000L Water Storage Tank & It's plumbing + float switch.
- Added the reactor to the return line in the last section of the sump.

Both additions cost 0 extra Watts because one is gravity fed and the other is using "piggy backing" off a piece equipment already accounted for.

Progress was made today. :)

The display tank was cut from its existing plumbing and situated safely out of the way so we can make the stand around 30cm taller this will allow enough space for the new plumbing from display to sump which will be positioned above the sump.

Tomorrow the stand gets made taller and the sumps stand gets made along with the water storage ATO stand.

Whilst my minions are making the stands I'll be in town getting the float switch for the ATO along with the 1000L Water Storage drum and placing the order for the 8x2x2 sump tank which should be completed 4days after the order.

Getting very close now to an operating system.

One of my little minions and a few of his cronies will be doing weekly collections of live crabs and fish and he will also ride out to a not so far away prawn farm to acquire live prawns.

I have equipped him with specific gear such as a DC chargeable air pump that last a good 40hrs so he can keep the acquired live foods healthy during transit.

Another one of my minions here will also begin scoping out specific mantis in the area as he has come back with details but not photos....details of a certain large red zebra spearer species...L.lisa and large pale smashers....O.jap.

Although no photi evidence yet by his description and diving experience I assume those 2 species above. :)
Wow, if you could get an O. Japonicus, that'd be amazing. If you get one, make some good videos so we can all see how awesome they are.
When I state multiple times that everything has been considerably upgraded I meant it...

I am absolutely more then confident that when phase 2 videos & photos begin I will absolutely and utterly blow everything I have done in the past out of the water and just make peoples minds implode from footage/photos.

So much money has been spent on new equipment specially camera gear, the camera gear alone was so expensive that I could of brought a brand new very nice car.

My best guesstimates put it all at around Mid - End Sept that it will officially all be up, running and filming/photographing.

It will leave all Stomatopod footage for dead unless there is another person out there in the Stomatopod hobby that has forked over $30k in camera gear to specifically film the animals.

Which I doubt...

As for the species, I'm in the hot spot for Stomatopods, not only are they everywhere here but many species not found in either Aus or USA are found here and not as uncommon as imagined...
I would ship animals there is only 2 major set backs...

- Cost of freight from me to you...
- Time in transit from me to you...

Both of those are real killers to the 'trade', it is NOT feasible to send 1 mantis to 1 person state side because their going to end up paying nearly $1000 for freight then there is the very much likely death of the animal upon arrival cause transit would likely be between 4-7days.

I've done a lot of talking with my agents here about this and unless I could send "hundreds" it would not be worth it and I do not want to deal with other LFS simply because they are going to pay pennies for the animals so I would end up costing me personally rather then making any profit to sustain it.
1000 shipping+say 200 for an O. japonicus?

Oh wow...

I expected more! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

If it wasn't for the expanded shipping length.. I'd say deal. That'd be a tricky one to try and work around.. When it comes to rare stomatopods and Hawaiian Harlequin shrimp, price is a nonfactor for me.
1000 shipping+say 200 for an O. japonicus?

Oh wow...

I expected more! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

If it wasn't for the expanded shipping length.. I'd say deal. That'd be a tricky one to try and work around.. When it comes to rare stomatopods and Hawaiian Harlequin shrimp, price is a nonfactor for me.

But your one person... there are always enthusiast die hards around but it be impossible to base a company of them alone... be like 1 : 1000 ppls.

I just really cannot see it being accomplished...there is so much red tape and time issues that you'd be paying an enormous amount for a very likely DOA animal.
ATO Gravity Fed Float Device :)

Since the fresh water storage drum is being situated about 30cm taller then the top of the sump itself, the entire plumbing and top off can be gravity fed.

This device enables it all.

Ball goes down, water is released.

Ball goes up, water is shutoff.

Easssy :D