This evening I wanted to target feed my smaller smashers, the smaller the were the more I wanted to offer them and although I couldn't get as many pics as I'd of liked, I did get one in particular that I am happy with =D.
Female G.ternatensis - Just after she grabbed it, I proceeded to give here 2 more portions of prawn the same size as the one in the pic after I took this pic in hopes I could get better shots, but she was too quick, I'm happy she is eating.
Beyond her STAND A was rather lack luster, I suspect 3 of them are under going molts (Adam, Shockwave & Rocky) due to not having seen them in a few days and the last time I did see them was when they all got a few small crabs to bash on and eat, so I think the missing crabs + missing mantis means, there all eaten & the stomatopod is molting from the massive food intake (crabs were only slightly smaller then stomatopods and each compartment got about 4-6 crabs).
However STAND B was a lot more fun =)....
Minnie is always a fiery 'tart' and tonight was no exception, as soon as the food hit the surface she darted around the corner and got all 'tough' as in to say "Who dare enter my lair!"
Then she realized it was a big phat tasty piece of prawn and rage swiftly turned to Joy
"Om nom nom nom..."
Alass I regrettably shoved the prawn on the skewer to far, so she was having some trouble getting it off, she made a break for her cavity in the rock and then proceeded to use the leverage from within to pull the meat free from the skewer! Problem solving =) free at last to munch on the goodness of prawn meat =)
Obviously after feeding her, Maximus her husband was up next =) and he knew it, having repositioned in his burrow to not only 'best' whatever falls in, but in order to watch whats going on with his wife, he curiously watched on as she valiantly removed her piece and patiently waited his turn, he didn't have to wait long.
Perhaps wisdom comes with age in stomatopods too as I said he repositioned himself inside the burrow (hence greatest leverage) rather then come charging out like his anxious wife, by doing this it only took one hard pull and he got what he wanted, having said that, he is much larger then her so things come easier in the strength department...
Up next and just below the above action was The Kraken, hearing all the commotion from above he knew what was going on (that and probably tasting the water) either way he was too quick for me, as soon as the prawn meat on the skewer entered his tank, he shot up to it, grabbed it and darted back into his den, he is looking up and can see the prawn meat, this was just before he shot up to it!
Within a split second he was up down and within the burrow, before I started to laugh at the whole speed of it, I saw him slowly start to poke his head out the rear of his den almost as if to check and ensure that he wasn't spotted or had no followers, its a hard life for a stomatopod in the CIA, gotta cover your tracks!
Finally...the king, the heavyweight of heavyweights...the stomatopod that would quite literally take down any other stomatopod...even though he is the same species as The Kraken, its his sheer size that is frightening (mixed in with his species being O.scyllarus, Peacock) he is big (as big as he will get) he is fearless (will attack if the camera gets to close to front of tank) and he has destroyed every living (and dead) inhabitant that has dared to tread water with him, The Juggernaut peers out from his cavern with greedy eyes awaiting what he surely knows.
Like a Childhood form of Hercules playing with his food at his father Zeus' table at dinner time...The Juggernaut whacks his already dead and prepared food "for good measure, to ensure its dead..." sending particles and pieces of the food flying off... I guess The Juggernaut wants to extend his domination to not only the living but, the dead as well.
Hope you enjoyed =) more to come soon.
Current suspected Molters: Adam, Shockwave, Rocky, Morgoth & The Leviathan.