My Ultimate Multi Mantis System(s)

They work but you have to use a large tube for the air draw or you will clog it in a week or two with salt creep. 1/4 never will clog up I made one of there back in 96 and used it till 2004 never had it fail with 1/4 house. Also a tip if you get a water jug with a large screw on lid it will make it easy to clean it out as stuff always grow in water jugs. Lime water helps two fold in this respect keeps stuff from growing and keeps up cal, but will form hard water on the side of the jug.
I have seen this idea before and it is an interesting one albeit (in my eyes) temporary. Rite now I am in no rush, things are moving quite slowly with the upgrades I'm 'comfortable' rite now with the water top ups and the primary reason I am actually doing the large water storage container / ATO system isn't necessarily for the day to day evap top up but for when I want to go away (that isn't to say I won't have the ATO system running whilst I am home).

The primary reason for the large ATO system is to simply be allowed to go away for long periods like over a month, as I said I designed my tanks extremely poorly and the simplicity of the flaws frustrate me a lot seeing as I knew back then what I know today, I just for some reason, forgot/ignored not sure...

As I said in the past the tanks are all linked via 32mm PolyPipe, which also acts as the DAMN overflows for each I got big *** ugly drain hole protectors to stop the small 32mm holes from blocking up...To add to the frustration half of the actual pipes...LEAK! I'm not talking a spurting sprout but enough to know its leaking due to serious salt creep (specially STAND A).

My stupidity amazes me sometimes :) but I already know exactly how I would like future tanks! I love the rear wall internal overflow idea, where the whole rear of the tank is the overflow! Insane surface skimming! It's how I plan to 'fix' my tanks in the 'distant' future.
People should know by now my love of using Microsoft Paint :) here is an example of the current layout of a typical tank in the system with a divider in it.

Hopefully the picture describes what words cannot. :D

EDIT: The Middle Tanks in STAND A & B (STAND C is just 2 tanks) have 2 drain holes (1 inlet and 1 outlet) thus 2 large bulky drain hole guards...
Latest video, need to rebuild my collection!

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hope you like! :D
Makes me wonder, How big of a tank would L. Maculata need? I know what roy's list says... but if the animal needs a sand bed 1.5x the length of it, then that would be a really really tall tank...

(1.5x15in=22.5inch sand bed) and yet you need room for the animal to roam and emerge from it's burrow?

I'm guessing aquariums may need custom made for large specimens for their size and requirments right? :confused:
Makes me wonder, How big of a tank would L. Maculata need? I know what roy's list says... but if the animal needs a sand bed 1.5x the length of it, then that would be a really really tall tank...

(1.5x15in=22.5inch sand bed) and yet you need room for the animal to roam and emerge from it's burrow?

I'm guessing aquariums may need custom made for large specimens for their size and requirments right? :confused:

On the contrary once a Large spearer like L.maculata has made a burrow suitable enough to hide it's may NEVER see it again, well at least only the top half during feeding.

Large spearers do not need the room to come out and forage like smashers specifically larger ones.

Large spearers like L.mac's do not need DSB's either, many keep them in PVC pipes as it is far easier and cheaper to do, I simply prefer the sand and at the time could offer it to them :).

L.maculata are a pritty tough species, have a look at how they sell them live in google images.
My L.maculata tank is 1200mm L x 700mm H x 150mm wide (15cm), the DSB is 500mm H with less then 6 inches of actual water depth, sometimes in feeding, fish do fly.
That last vid is now one of my favorites it has a feeling of the older kongfu movies. The thing about it is there are no special effects excluding the slow motion of course. The crabs even look like they are using kongfu to try and defend themselves.
Lol sounds like a mine is bigger then yours comparison. Lol.

It's not that as much as it might of sounded but I do believe that Morgoth is larger then Dr.Caldwells having said that I (and others have had doubts about Morgoths actual identity as a L.sulcata including myself).

To knowledge L.sulcata get to 150mm long (I think) but Morgoth has now easily exceeded this size...
It's time I shine the camera on myself briefly...

It's time to put a face/identity to those that wish to know it...

It's time for those that accuse me of cruelty and atrocities to face their 'demon'...

I am Kharn!
It's time I shine the camera on myself briefly...

It's time to put a face/identity to those that wish to know it...

It's time for those that accuse me of cruelty and atrocities to face their 'demon'...

I am Kharn!

I think the mantis shrimp evolved again into land breathing humanoid beings.... THE END IS NEAR :worried:
Kharn are you VanHelsing?
No wonder I have never run into a vampire.

The inspiration behind the design is from Van Helsing or a cowboy etc.

The idea of Kharn the character is to help me step up in filming. I have recently done deep reading into green screen effects and I believe I am capable of creating something new...

Brief Background (will extend and go into detail later today).

Make no mistake...Kharn isn't here to "help" mankind, quite the opposite...Kharn is fed up with the way mankind treats the ocean and most importantly, the inhabitants within.
Your failing in that no help to mankind thing brother. So many men and women have learned from your pix vids and post. FAIL!