My Ultimate Multi Mantis System(s)

Good lord that's way to much cash for something that can be fraged and regrown 20 times a year. Even with only 5 times a year you are talking around 32 rics give or take a loss or two. I understand that they can not be imported down there but still

I was just out bid and lost on an Auction for a Pink Ricordea Yuma with a 6cm diameter, the buyout ended at $550... (I pulled out at $440).
Another Update...

Today I went to the LFS with the intent to purchase a Tubastrea for the NPS compartment...Rockys (G.graphurus) home. Once again I walked away with a lot more then I intended to...

All up...

1x Bright Yellow Tubastrea (about 2 dozen heads)
1x Umbellulifera/Stereonephthya (about 6inchs long)
1x Extra Large Ricordea
1x Dark Blue & Pale Red with Bright Red Rim Rhodatid
3x Electric Green Rhodactids
6x Bright Orange Corallimorphs

So yeah a bit more then the intended purchase...

The real steal was the Ric one that I had been asking about for a while since it wasn't in a for sale tank but inside a small nano out the back, it's very large about 3inch diameter, it was a steal mostly because of the price, it would of been easy to sell it for something over $150 but I managed to get it for $50!

Nicoles Ricordea Garden is now completely full...I'm going to have to move things around and replace certain Ric's in her Compartment as I get nicer ones, like the one I nearly won today. There must be at least 50 Ricordea Yumas inside her compartment :D from the tiny pinky nail sized, to the giant bigger then your palm size! It's just dull in color...

This was todays purchased Ric, still not fully open yet but once it does it will show it's grand size and dwarf the rest.

The current largest Ric in the tank which was added yesterday has seated in quite well and open up nicely, you can see the feint blue in the base color of it.

Another large Giant, all of these are over 2inchs in diameter.

This is a smaller pair of the giant purchased today, whilst I say smaller they are still over 2inchs in diameter.

With the new DIY PVC Burrow Design & Build incoming I should gain more room inside each compartment :) this is a Top Down / Birdseye View of Nicoles Ricordea Compartment.

This is a Top Down / Birdseye View of Tintins Orange Mushie Garden, slowly but surely the substrate will disappear beneath a sea of Bright Orange Mushrooms!

Finally while this photo doesn't do these justice, they are true electric green Rhodactids they are extremely bright and instant eye catchers, made them easy to spot in the multi species mushie tank that the store keeps.

More to come!!
Rockys Compartment is coming along nicely :fun4: price to coral wise...I don't think it gets better then NPS...The entirety of the compartments corals was less then $90...Meanwhile I was about to spend 5x that on 1x6cm diameter pink ric...

This is sleepy time (except for the Tubastrea) will get a better pic when they are all open at once, for those curious this compartment gets a heavy double daily dose of a mix of the following...Brine Shrimp, Mysid Shrimp, Lobster Eggs, Krill, Reef Roids and Supplements & Minerals, the system is turned off and whilst all the compartments drain into one another they equal out, cutting themselves off temporarily and single lone small nanos, this allows me to dump the food into Rockys compartment so his gets the majority of the feed I leave the powerheads on and the tank goes milky white with food, by the time it all clears the NPS corals are all puffy with food attached.

More to come as I said I will get a better picture once they are all opened up :)...I missed a FANTASTIC shot of Rocky standing tall, proud and in a threatening posture atop the Tubastrea cluster...would of been great but my jerking actions for the camera frightened him...
It'd be amazing if you were able to keep a crinoid alive in that NPS system. I think you'd be able to do it, not too many success stories out there with them though, but a crinoid with a stomatopod would've been an interesting match :spin2:
WIt till you get the skimmer online twice a day that thing is going to get nog overload.

So far I haven't actually felt the spike...nothing has changed parameters are all in I said THIS directly BEFORE 3 compartments the same size but each 1 a perhaps (for now) the 3 Refugiums are consuming all the left overs ? There are BILLIONS of pods...damn I could sell them LOL...

But yeah I hear what your I said above their are 3 compartments the same size as the NPS one that are Refugiums directly after it in the circulation 'que', but once the sump comes online it will go NPS > Refugium > Sump > Refugium > Refugium...

Even then this is likely to change... as I will completely change all of Megatrons (G.chiragra) compartment to now host coral (since the HOB Overflow will stabilize and equalize the water level in this compartment, the sump will take the evaporation and changes etc).

Whether I make Megatrons compartment NPS as well I have yet to decide but its unlikely...maybe an LPS compartment.

It'd be amazing if you were able to keep a crinoid alive in that NPS system. I think you'd be able to do it, not too many success stories out there with them though, but a crinoid with a stomatopod would've been an interesting match :spin2:

Firstly I don't know if they would meet to fight...I see them in the LFS but my mate that works there has always just said don't bother which in tern makes me ask "why even have them?" he just shrugs it off so I ignore them, I'm not willing to try something like this until everything as far as filtration goes, is done.

Besides, that octopus didn't fare to well anyway and personally I don't think it can get more intense then that...
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This rite PROOF that I can see the future :) (not really) but the rate of success with the DIY PVC burrows currently in place has been my greatest success to date with the entire system!

Doesn't look like anything but a bunch of Macro Algae...

Still just a bunch of Macro Algae but can you make anything out...

Hidden behind the curtain of Macro Algae is Eves (G.smithii female) Door, it is the Highest entry/exit hole to here DIY PVC burrow, she has the rest of the blocked bar this one and at random time I get to see her half hanging out of the Macro Algae scanning her compartment below.

Before I made my first DIY PVC burrow I hoped and prayed for this to happen, for the life in the compartments to 'consume' the DIY PVC burrows so that they look even more natural and as I said then...time itself will make these invisible and that's exactly what has happened :D!
Kharn how much of the macro are you pruning at a time? Also do you have the lights on the different fuges alternate? The reason I ask is I have had macro go sexual on me before. With proper adjustments such as alternated lighting times I have yet to lose much. Macro release a lot of O2 durrjng the day and small amounts of CO2 at night. But when the macro goes sexual it will release alot of spores and a lot of CO2 as it dies back. Note also that the tendency with macro is if one goes sexual it will cause all in contact with it to go sexual. Now this is not to say all the macro in the system will turn but there is a chance. However I have found that macro in a separate tank but in the same system on a alternate lighting cycle shows a spike in growth following a sexual die off of the other alage.

The macros ability to produce O2 is related to food/mineral, light, and CO2 in the water coulm. With a one tank "going sexual" two of the three criteria will rise. CO2 is one of the lesser needed elements for macro to grow being that the alagy can gain carbon from other sources not just dissolved gasses.
This large release in nuterants and CO2 may become hazardous to the live stock in the tanks for a couple reasons first being a build up of CO2. CO2 can cause pH swings in the water column. You may get past this with the large amount of splashing a inside your overflows. But you can see how this could be avoided with alternating the lights. Simply put alage take up CO2 when the lights are on helping to avoid a pH swing. Also when the alage starts to die back from sexual reproduction they can raise the dissolved nutreant levels. Again alternate lighting allows other alages to take up the exsses. Using them to grow.
Long and short o would like to see day in one section night in another you could have a rotation where at any given time two rows have lights while one is at rest. I don't ever want to get on here and read a post about a full stand crash. I as many do follow your post with a lot of joy.
I have not had a problem with the Macro Algae yet....

Some die back whilst another grows larger then they swap...

Lighting ain't special, leave it on for about half the day then the other half it's off.

Remember this has now been running for sometime now...I suspect if any large crash from the macro going sexual would of had more then enough chance to show itself by now....

I do prune but mostly to take it off the walls neaten up long random bits etc.
Maybe she enjoys the high... ;)

How much higher can this possibly get?


The so far Useless Matted Filefish owes me it's life...

After only a few days of being in containment, Tintin the small G.ternatensis broke out of his jail cell even after my attempts to reinforce it...take note of the rest of the chipped plastic and damaged areas...

When I say I tried to reinforce it what I meant was I basically tried to make it to difficult for Tintin to actually strike the wall by placing something in front of it, first it was 1 layer of eggcrate, then I had to use a second, he quickly learned to slide aside the first piece then wiggle back into position through the final piece to strike the same place...

This was what his tiny container looked like floating within his compartment whilst the Filefish swam about 'safely'...

When I realized Tintin was not inside his container I freaked out and looked for the Filefish, I spotted it so that was ok but what made me jump a bit was that Tintin was already stalking it quickly I made for the net and scooped up the easy to catch slow filefish.

I placed the Filefish into Adams (G.smithii male) compartment without capturing Adam, so far things seem to be going ok...mostly because Adam is molting...(haven't seen him for a few days) but when he returns we shall see what goes down... the Filefish has till then.
Dinner Time for the Ricordeas :inlove: and a Jealous Nicole (G.ternatensis) frantically trying to get "her share" of the micro food...greedy little thing :facepalm:

I basically decided that I would give the Ricordea compartment a few squirts of the NPS food, which obviously means up Rockys (G.graphurus) Compartment and the NPS that got fed this evening :).
I've kept my G. ternatensis in that exact floating container before when he wasn't eating... thanx for the warning, never again :fun5:
I've kept my G. ternatensis in that exact floating container before when he wasn't eating... thanx for the warning, never again :fun5:

I doubt anything plastic or more specifically with flow holes would hold them permanently...they slowly chip away at the hole/slit, they have all the time in the world/their life and it almost seems stimulating to them, like how we would watch TV/Playing Video Games/Etc.

Even if it were and inch thick they would slowly chip away at a flow hole/slit inevitably in time making it wide enough to fit through...