Kharn the Mantis-Man
"You vessels of mankind try to protect the humans... while they kill and consume everything... but such recklessness cannot go!"
- Kharn addressing Neptune
So I have spoken a bit about this fictional character that I want to bring to 'life' through animation and film work but lately I have been working mostly on the general artwork and concept designs of mostly Kharn in his manifested form, seeing as his human form will be portrayed by myself with a costume/clothing that I have already planned out. Overall Kharn has an array of Offensive and Defensive biological 'weapons' at his disposal beyond that of calling upon large Stomatopods to aid him, I shall start from the top down with what I have so far...
The pinnacle of Kharn is actually a pair of large horns which act as a reinforced form of the Stomatopods antenna, however whilst being sensitive for communications purposes due to its rigid solid nature, it can also be used to impale a target/prey/etc, these horns can move but with very limited movement intended (side to side). Kharn possess two different eyes, one is of a 'smasher' the other of a 'spearer' rite now I am inclined to simple say 'O.scyllarus & L.maculata' eyes, but one of each and there is a reason for this...
His arms, or rather appendages, depending on which side the 'smasher' eye is situated upon the stalk will depend on which side the 'smasher' appendage will sit on Kharns torso (Left Smasher Eye, Left Smasher Appendage), vice versa for his spearing arm/appendage and again I have use the O.scyllarus smashing appendage & the L.maculata spearing appendage.
One of Kharns greatest assets beyond his two formidable appendages...are his six maxillipeds, which I have 'stretched' a bit, rather then have them short and tucked in with minimal usage, I have given Kharn more of a 'tentacle' type Maxilliped, each maxilliped is capable of reaching out a good 30-40 feet and they are incredibly strong and armed will a heavy bulb and moveable 'hook' for grasping, the small hairs upon the bulbs and hook move and are capable of the finest/delicate tasks, the maxillipeds together are capable of grabbing onto targets, entangling them and digging in with their hooks, due to their immense strength Kharn can use them to bring a moveable target (entangling and reeling in) to him and vice versa for himself.
Kharns mouth is the center of these Maxillipeds and the center of his 'chest'/'torso', he will adapt the typical Stomatopod appetite...if it can be consumed it will be consumed (typically humans) the idea is that during nearly every 'fight' Kharn will have a Human impaled on one horn whilst feeding on another whilst still fighting.
The primary form of defense for Kharn comes in the form of a heavily modified and fortified, detachable, Stomatopod Telson, which is in all shapes and use a 'Shield', one of the great things about this 'shield' is that it's detachable, held but the Maxilliped(s), whilst not in use this 'shield' sits firmly on Kharns back, overall his form leaves nothing for 'weakness' his entire body is covered in thick chitin armor like that of an Arthropod, no bullets can penetrate it, but bombs and chemicals will harm him.
Summoning the 'Stomatopods' came to me in a simple yet logical form, I wanted something that was loud, something that could be heard by many not just the Stomatopods, this would come in the form of a horn/siren, simply put it's a large shell (conch/similar) with a kelp sling which Kharn keeps on himself at all times, using it is simple, he places the slim end into his mouth whilst having the horn/siren wrapped in a Maxilliped, then blows a very loud calling, on land or underwater, even during a fight as a form of 'inspiration'.
As for his legs I am still a little left for imagination there...1 thought that occurred to me and will be a likely input is that whilst in his manifested form and beneath the sea surface, his legs will sprout 'swimmers'/'fans' like the underside of Stomatopods, which he will use for mobility and swimming, I am still not comfortable with his feet being simple large thick spikes...
I'll Input more soon as this is a good update on where the fiction of it all is rite now :frog: