Good luck with the treatment! I've had a similar experience in my smaller tank removing fish for QT and having nutrients bottom out. I went with Sodium nitrate and Brightwell's neophos. Acros are suffering some from nutrient depletion it's amazing what fish will do for coral.
Yesterday I tested the tank mid-afternoon. After two evening doses of NO3 and PO4 here's my results:
SG 34 (normally 35)
Ca 420 ppm (Salifert)
KH 7.7 dKH (Salifert), 7.55 dKH (Hanna) (higher than usual, I'll watch it, but leave it alone)
Mg 1320 ppm (RSP)
K 430 ppm (Salifert test kit reads 60 ppm higher than last Triton test so not sure what's right???)
NO3 0.5-1.0 (Salifert), 0.25-0.5 ppm (RSP)
PO4 7 ppb, 0.02 ppm (Hanna ULR)
So last night I added NO3, but I didn't add any more PO4. I'll check tonight and see if that PO4 got used up before dosing more. I definitely want to take the PO4 increase very slowly. I haven't had much for algae in the tank besides that burgundy turf algae and the weird tufts of very tough green algae that have been there since day one (bubble algae is mostly gone). Yesterday was WC day though (it had been two weeks), and I noticed a significant green cyano bloom. Usually I see some green cyano if I leave the tank 2 weeks between WC, but this was a lot more than usual. I'm assuming the PO4 additions have spurred this. I'll keep an eye on it.
Thanks Mindy.I got the idea. You bought a CO2 adaptor for TLF reactor. What is the internal diameter of the tube you are using? Does this set up not reduce its air intake potential of your simmer, thus affecting its performance? Is there any other way a CO2 scrubber may be used? Thank you.
Hi Bülent. Yes, I use the TLF adapter, works well. Hose is 3/8" inside diameter. I expected the addition of the reactor to restrict air into the skimmer, but the water line doesn't move when I connect/disconnect it. Odd I thought.
I've not seen a different way to hook up the CO2 scrubber. I've only ever seen them hooked up to the skimmer air intake. I don't see a reason to not do it this way - it works well.
Sorry, I see my photo is HUGE! Not sure why Tapatalk did that.
I meant to take photos of my corals last night to compare after doing the NO3 and PO4 for awhile, but I forgot to. It's been awhile!