Nano tunze doc 9002


New member
Good morning,

I bought the tunze nano skimmer and set it up few days ago. As instructed water level is correct but it does not produce any foam at all. the air valve is open all the way but it seems there are no bubble in teh reaction chamber. I took it a part and clean averything and still no foam. It was purchased on 9/11/09. Am I dealing with a a bad one?

thanks for your help
Are you sure the airline tube is attached?

If it helps, I had this problem before as well. I believe sometimes they may get dislodged or kinked during shipping/handling. Check to see if the airline tube is securely attached at the top of the baseplate and also to the pump without any kinks or obstructions. After I reattached my loose airline tube, my chamber started foaming up with no problems.
I think I got your email from Tunze? Frederic? Your venturi is bad and I will send a replacement. We got a bad batch of 9002's that had a defective venturi. Unfortunately by the time we were told of this problem they had all been shipped, mixed with existing good stock and the difference is virtually invisible so our only recourse was to send a new venturi to everyone who reports this problem and if you wrote to Tunze today, I responded and we will send a new nozzle today.
Thanks a lot for all your help

Thanks a lot for all your help

Got your emails and thanks a lot for responding so quickly
Thank you and to everyone affected by this problem I am very sorry. Unfortunately venturis aren't very forgiving and just being a little off on where the hole is placed will make it not work.