Nanoreef - Too many mushrooms


Hello folks,

So I am looking for the best way to trash all my mushrooms, they grow like weeds and I do not like the look of my nano.


I'll take them haha. I'm not sure how you would get them off the rock? Maybe a small chisel and hammer and slowly and carefully chisel away a small piece of rock under each of them. Or see if anyone's interested to swap rocks with you?

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What they said. Mushrooms are next to impossible to get off the rock. Will regrow from any tiny fragment.

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Not only that, but nuking all those in such a small tank will do more harm then anything. You have so many your best bet is to take half out, bring them to the local fish store for credit. Get some rock. Then a month later take the other half out and do the same

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Not only that, but nuking all those in such a small tank will do more harm then anything. You have so many your best bet is to take half out, bring them to the local fish store for credit. Get some rock. Then a month later take the other half out and do the same

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I had a pretty significant shroom problem a few years back. They came on some live rock and were very dense. I spent a bit of time periodically cutting them off with a scalpel, but it's a temporary fix. They always grow back, and can re-grow somewhere else if you drop it and it floats away. I tried smearing Kalk paste on the leftover foot and it didn't help. They're very resilient critters.
Fish store will give you credit towards something else. I'd do that rather than kill them. Then at least you have something to put towards something to replace them. You may have to get new rock to rebuild, but at least you get to reaquascape which can be fun too.
Sorry, but I think you are crazy. :eek1:

That is a super cool nano. That's what most people consider a wet dream nano. I'd kill for that tank.

I've seen a LOT of reefers like you. You believe if you have something, it's no good because you own it. You only want what you don't have.

Sorry again, I don't mean to insult you, but I've seen this neurosis quite often with the salt water crowd. You have a fantastic, successful mushroom/LPS tank, a beautiful tank you can be proud of, a nano which would be the envy of the majority of aquarists, yet you are unsatisfied.

Why don't you just put the whole thing on Craig's list, ask $1,200 for it, let someone "steal" it from you for $900?

You could then start over. But I've got a feeling you still won't be happy.

Sorry for a third time, I don't mean to offend, but that really is a great tank.

At least sell it to your local LFS - they would love to have a display like yours.
If you have another tank like a quarantine tank, remove the rock and place it in there and blow a strong powerhead directly on them, they will release from the rock.

Or just trade the rock in at your LFS for credit like everyone else is saying.

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Looks nice. Let them fill in a little more and just get bigger along with the frogspawn and the sinularia. The GSP will get in between the mushrooms and help give accent color around them.
I also think your tank looks amazing.

If it were me, and is has been me in the past, I would keep that one running just as it is, and get a 2nd bigger tank that you can keep mushroom free and start exploring other types of corals.