Nautilus loss


New member
I have a warning for those of you who either keep or want to keep the chambered Nautilus. DO NOT use a powerhead in their aquarium. I used a small one and the poor creature got caught in the strainer and subsequently died. I hate to lose stuff over stupidity.

I only use an air stone for circulation now. Please take my advise on this.


Did you do any research on nautilus in whether to buy them in the first place?

I've read that they should be left alone in the wild.
Of course I did research! I have had them for quite a while. This was just a freak accident.

chipmunk said:
Did you do any research on nautilus in whether to buy them in the first place?

I've read that they should be left alone in the wild.

you can do a search on this forum to see that he has had them for some time successfully and has offered much advise on them.

Sorry to hear of your loss :(
Sorry to hear it. Thanks for sharing your experience though!
What would you think of just a drilled tank with closed loop?

It is true that in 90% of cases they should be left in the wild. Too many people buy them on a whim and subsequently the animal dies through incorrect care. They require specialised care. However, like all the frequent posters on this forum, Tom Neal is an very experienced in this field and capable of giving his nautilus the correct care.

Unfortunetly, as we all know, accidents do happen, and that is what happened here. As ceph keepers we are in the position of almost being pioneers in this area of the hobby of aquatics due to the fact that very little information is available to us. Sharing information like this, as tom did, is of paramount importance to us all.
