Website was hacked...


I won't even say who it was because losers with nothing better to do deserve no recognition. They used a flaw in PHP-Nuke to delete all of our message, news, and threads in the forums and put some articles of their own up.

They aren't really good hackers since all they did was exploit PHP Nuke and didn't get to any files or anything bad, but nevertheless the site content has been temporarily removed. I have our host seeing if they can restore the database but since it's a holiday coming up it may take a while.

Once they restore what they can, I'll upgrade to a newer version of PHP Nuke in hopes that the exploit was fixed.

In the mean time, just keep all the dialogue here on RC..which we do most of the time anyway.


Well...I spent a couple of hours digging through logs and I think I found the culprit. I banned his *** so if you have trouble accessing the site, let me know and you can try to explain why you were accessing the sections you were accessing...maybe I got the wrong person, but I don't think so.

I also put out the $10 to upgrade to the latest PHP Nuke. Hopefully the exploit they were using was fixed in the last 3 revisions.

I also reset every admin password I could think of, except for the PHP Nuke password which I doubt they got. We'll see if they come back.

Unfortunately, all of our threads and articles are lost. I'll start re-posting in a few days if they don't come back. I may even taunt them on the site so that they TRY to hack it again. If they get in again we're going to have to look into buying a web site. I've been using PHP Nuke because it's cheap and easy to maintain. Unfortunately it's also popular and popularity breads hackers...Just look at Windows.

Last edited: caught me!!!

...what's a PHP nuke, is that some kind of copepod? =)

sorry FIzz...and thanks for the hard work