Need a little help deciding on pump/overflow please.


New member
I recently bought a 225 gallon off craigslist and for this size tank I think wet dry/refugium is probably the best/only route to go. I think I know what I'm wanting but thought maybe I should run it by some people who have more experience in the matter. So here I am.

The top of the tank is 4'-10" tall which I assume determines the head pressure the return pump will need to overcome? I'm looking at the Danner Mag Drive 18 or 24 and either the Eshopps PF 1800 overflow box or Eshopps PF 1200 overflow box. The Mag Drive 18 lists its flow rate at 4 foot of head as 978 gph and at 5 foot 924 gph. The Eshopps PF 1200 is rated at 1000 gph and the PF1800 at 1600 gph. The tank is not drilled and I don't want to mess with drilling holes in it.

Is the match between the Danner Mag Drive 18 - 924 gph and the Eshopps PF 1200 - 1000 gph the best route here or should I opt for the larger capacity Eshopps PF 1800 with 1600 gph capacity? Would the pump even perform correctly with the larger overflow box?

I want/plan to have the return from the pump via/hose connection to two 90 deg. elbows and possibly a spray bar. As straight of a shot from pump to tank as possible.

Outflow from the overflow box is as follows:
PF1200- rated 1000 gph with (2) x 1" bulkheads.
PF1800- rated 1600 gph with (2) x 1-1/2" bulkheads.
Danner Mag Drive 18- 3/4" inlet x 3/4" outlet.

I could also do the Danner Mag Drive 24 if needed, it has a flow rate at 5' of head of 1590 gph. With the head drop and two elbows that would put me at about 1440 gph for the MD 24 on the 1600 gph overflow box.

My sump Im planning is going to be a DIY 48" long x 30" wide x 20" tall rubbermaid type container with a set of clear plastic 3 tier drawers from wallyworld at one end filled with bio/floss/etc. The hoses from the overflow will mount to the top of the drawers, trickle down and flow over a couple of baffles to the pump chamber where it will be pumped back to the tank.

Basically need to know/trying to figure out what combination would be ok, work best. MD18+Eshopps PF1200, MD18+Eshopps PF1800, MD24+Eshopps PF1800???

Any suggestions or help is appreciated, thanks!
This is my opinion:

1. The open loop needs not have a very high flow rate. Slower flow rate of open loop can be compensated with longer dwell time and more exchanges and processing by filters.

2. High flow rate in open loop causes techical problem, which is compounded with the tank not having been drilled, which means some form of siphon.

3. A separate closed loop in the form of open tank water flow is more energy effiicient and more problem free.
You would be better served to drill the tank/get the tank drilled, instead of using an siphon type of overflow. Also, a sump/refugium is a better choice over the wet/dry.
I get that most people recommend drilling but it is not something I'm really interested in doing at this time. Maybe down the line a little bit I may reconsider but for now I'm going with the overflow setup. Just wanted to see if I could get some feedback to verify that the pump and box will work together and maintain the water level in both the sump and tank.

Not really sure what the open loop/closed loop thing is about.