Need a skimmer /w pump - return pump - Power Head


In Memoriam
Just like the title says I would prefer the following types of items;

ASM Mini-G Protein Skimmer /w SEDRA

Quiet One 3000 or better or Mag equivalent

Koralia 2 or better or Tunze NanoStream 6025

If you have any of these items please pm me with price and pics if available.

I might be able to pick up at Frag Swap tomorrow, but not 100% if I am going or not.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12042159#post12042159 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefWreak
Zurc long time no see.

I don't have any of the equipment you're looking for, but welcome back to the hobby.

Thanks :)
Ok, so I will be going by the swap tomorrow to pick up some lights from Bawla, so if anyone has this stuff please let me know ahead of time!

-Mike C.