Need a small (1/15hp) chiller for my nano :(

Laz A

In Memoriam
It seems I can manage to keep my tank low enough when the lights are on. It gets to 83ish and its still not even summer. Not to mention thats with my AC on even when Im not home which kills my FPL bill and still doesnt keep my tank cool enough.

I tried even keeping my hood half open and its still not enough... Anyone who has a small chiller lying around for sale let me know pls.

have you tried putting a small fan blowing across your water? that should do the trick, but your going to get ALOT more evap so consider a auto top off if you dont have one already.
i know redawg had a similar setup as yours, and he didnt have a chiller. he used a fan blowong on the surface water and it seemed to work well.
I bought my tank off Mel... However, when he ran it he used a pendant which allowed him more room for ventilation since he didnt have a hood, and that also gave him room for a fan. As far as I know anyways.
I cant remember Mels full screen name on here tho, I know it has some numbers at the end, can someone refresh my memory?
Yes I did run it with a fixture, which gave me room to set-up a fan to blow across the water.

If you are willing to mod the hood there are a few things that could be done. Some people in the nano forum have turn the fans on the hood to blow in instead of out. As cooler air blowing in works betther than hot air being blown out. Post a thread in the nano forum and they should have more suggestions.