Need advice on maintaining a 10,000 gallon shark tank

you will want....

1. high turnover while keeping flow in the tank ralativly low Nurse sharks like low light and low flow.
2. A skimmer the size of a car..or two
3. massive UV
4. massive ozone
5. massive sulphur denitrator
I think a sulphur denitrator may be a little overkill if it's not needed. A large skimmer is a must along with the sand filter you have, you may be ok. Large powerheads and/or a carlson surge device will help immensely.
I think that if the space was available for an ats it would be more econimical for this situtation...also u might want to try using a series of closed looped systems that way no single pump would have to be too giantic
+1 to bsagecko, if they only have 4k they should make a very large ATS and use the rest for flow, ATS would probobly cost them under 500$
Hey I actually run an ATS myself and know a lot about them. That's definately a great way to increase O2 levels and manage nutrients. Not sure how much room they have though.

As for testing I don't know where any of the water params are at. I was just told that O2 levels were low (don't know what they were measured with) and that there was a need for more filtration.

Really appreciate the ideas everyone.

Thank you all for all the ideas I am assisting this resort in getting this done properly. The shark tank is actually more like a half circle shape made out of fiberglass with a viewing panel in the front. They are using AP test kits and when I tested them with my kits there were traces of ammonia, nitrites and nitrates the Ph is 7.9 the SG with all the tanks is way messed up currently the shark tank is 1.019 I am currenly thinking of using a CL setup but still debating on what pump to use. They do have 6 other aquariums with no skimmers and need work as well but the shark tank is more important right now. I will post pics of the rest when the time comes. Again thank you Jeramy I will keep you updated as well and maybe take you with me one of these days.
Contact the guys at RK2 Systems. They work with many livestock distributors, public institutions, and private exibits. I took care of an approx. 3,000 gallon shark tank through the company I worked for for a year or two. All of our equipment was sourced and installed by them. It's not cheap but it looks like they went cheap the first time. All I can tell you is be very honest with the clients you are working with about the cost up front. The maintenance costs will far exceed the equipment costs over time and they need to understand that unless you like working for free. Let them know that they are in for a big bill and if they can't understand that I would get out now. You can't save every poor fish in poor conditions just like you can't rescue every dog in the pound. The 6am phone calls from restaurant managers with leaking tanks that you didn't install get old really quick. Sorry to be a debbiedowner but being in the business had a lot of perks and good times but ultimately ruined the hobby for me for a long time. Good luck.
Contact the guys at RK2 Systems. They work with many livestock distributors, public institutions, and private exibits. I took care of an approx. 3,000 gallon shark tank through the company I worked for for a year or two. All of our equipment was sourced and installed by them. It's not cheap but it looks like they went cheap the first time. All I can tell you is be very honest with the clients you are working with about the cost up front. The maintenance costs will far exceed the equipment costs over time and they need to understand that unless you like working for free. Let them know that they are in for a big bill and if they can't understand that I would get out now. You can't save every poor fish in poor conditions just like you can't rescue every dog in the pound. The 6am phone calls from restaurant managers with leaking tanks that you didn't install get old really quick. Sorry to be a debbiedowner but being in the business had a lot of perks and good times but ultimately ruined the hobby for me for a long time. Good luck.

Hey thanks for the advice!! Just want to clarify, I'm not in this project as the maintenance person and it's not a job by any means. Just some people I know wanting advice on what to do with their system. They know I had a nice reef tank, knew a lot about reefing, and spent a lot of time on RC. Unfortuanely the only one of those factors that helps them is that I'm on RC and have all of you as a resource. Unfortunately for them, I know nothing of maintaining a huge shark tank.

Appreciate the advice everyone.

I'll keep you updated on what happens.

Here you go

Etss Skimmer $1300

Pump for skimmer $500 2000 gph
flow pumps Hammerheads 400 each x 4 = $2000

4x 5800 /gph 23000/gph + 2000 from skimmer = 25000 or 2.5x turnover
Not great but much better then before.

ozone = $325

I would do everything over the top of the tank so you don't have to drain tank beside the overflow.

Thats 4125 to get you started without plumbing parts.
We have been talking with MRC and they may be helping out with there commercial skimmers. We will also be using the ATS but not quite sure about the ozone. I will keep you updated with our progress
To give yall an update we are going with an ATS unit I am currently looking for a used skimmer and a ozone unit if possibly to find one to help on costs. Now if we went with a large ATS should we still get a skimmer rated for 100000 or could we get away with a skimmer rated for less and how much less. I am going back next week I will try to get some more photos for yall to see.
All your buying is the name. I have used many skimmers and found that most of the time the cheeper simpler design performed better. As for the RK2 series I have seen them in operation and have talked to a few owners and they were not pleased with the operation.
try HUGE BECKETT WITH QUAD BECKETTS that will suck the crap out the tank pure power grunt grunt.....:D