Need advice on skimmer for 1000g

salty child 79

New member
Tank is going to be 1000g including sump. Here are the preferences but any help is appreciated even if it doesn't meet this criteria.

-Preferably External, would like it to sit above sump
-Easy to remove cup to clean (not a big fan of thumb screws)
-I would like to be able to purchase some type of automatic neck cleaner.

Tank will be a mixed reef, probably very few sps, just montis and the like.
I just went with the Deltec 3070 External for my new build. I will be pushing 1,200 - 1,400 gallons with it. They also make them with a self cleaning mechanism.

Good luck!
Sro xp 8000 external is a beast i almost went that route but I found a even a cheaper alternative with my Reeflo orca with dart gold pump.
I have had issues with ALL Reeflo pumps leaking from seals and one serious blowout that drained a 200g tank, so no Orca.

-The XP8000 Ext is what I was leaning towards but was wondering if anyone had any personal experience.

danfeig- Have the pumps given you any issue? I looked at those but pump problems made me hesitate on them.

Anyone have experience with the RK2 skimmers? Or any other recommendations?

On a tank that large I might consider one of the powerful Becketts skimmers like those made by My Reef Creations (MRC) or Marine Technical Concepts (MTC). Proven workhorses for large tanks unless you have a few thousand dollars laying around for a comparably sized Bubble King.