Need advice SPS corals bleaching?

Natural Blue

New member
I've got a fairly new reef 4 months old and most all my corals are doing great except some of my SPS. My Duncans, Acans, Frogspawn, GSP, leathers are all doing great. My Stylophora did look bleached the first month but it's really coming around and looks great.

However my Montipora Capricorna, Orange Stetosa, and Acropora are all looking bleached. In fact, if it weren't for seeing some polyps I'd think they were dead. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong or if it just really takes some time for them to adjust to the new tank.

Water Parameters for the last month have been stable at:
Temp: 78.1
ph: 8.05-8.2
NH3, NO2,NO3, all 0
Ca 415
KH 9
Mg 1320

Light: AP700 at 35% max intensity for 3 hours. Light is on for 12 hours and ramps up and back down to that 35% max.

I do a two part Alk/Cal dosing on Sunday/Wed/Friday and I also add a small amount of AcroPower. I run carbon and gfo in two separate reactors.

Any thoughts? Are these difficult corals.
Oh, I should add I was running a cup of activated carbon (Red Sea Reefer 250) and just backed that down to 3/4 cup thinking it was way to much carbon.
I've got a fairly new reef 4 months old and most all my corals are doing great except some of my SPS. My Duncans, Acans, Frogspawn, GSP, leathers are all doing great. My Stylophora did look bleached the first month but it's really coming around and looks great.

However my Montipora Capricorna, Orange Stetosa, and Acropora are all looking bleached. In fact, if it weren't for seeing some polyps I'd think they were dead. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong or if it just really takes some time for them to adjust to the new tank.

Water Parameters for the last month have been stable at:

Temp: 78.1

ph: 8.05-8.2

NH3, NO2,NO3, all 0

Ca 415

KH 9

Mg 1320

Light: AP700 at 35% max intensity for 3 hours. Light is on for 12 hours and ramps up and back down to that 35% max.

I do a two part Alk/Cal dosing on Sunday/Wed/Friday and I also add a small amount of AcroPower. I run carbon and gfo in two separate reactors.

Any thoughts? Are these difficult corals.

I'm doing 55% for three hours started three weeks ago with my New AP700s at 50%. I got a bunch of frags from a friend that were already pale, gave them to me to see it they color up. I could skimm dryer. I've been worried about nutrients bulbuls up from some new Pukani Rock I added, 50 pounds.

Can I see your Kessil program so we can compare?

Only difference is I'm running at 50% peak not 75% pictures.

I also run ROX carbon, GFO and NOPOX.
You need to supplement alkalinity more frequently than three times a week. Kalk in your topoff water would help if you have an ato. I personally use a litermeter 3 which spreads it out over the whole day so levels stay more consistent.

What's the flow?

What size tank ?

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You need to supplement alkalinity more frequently than three times a week. Kalk in your topoff water would help if you have an ato. I personally use a litermeter 3 which spreads it out over the whole day so levels stay more consistent.

What's the flow?

What size tank ?

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I add 500 ml of saturated Kalk water at night to of set PH swings.
Skimmer: Skimz SN143 and I don't think it's that great of skimmer personally, it doesn't pull a bunch of gunk out. Always has a light wet skim of just yellow water. I'm debating getting a bubble magus curve. BRS already sent me a new pump, venturi, etc...and the skimmer still sucks!

Flow: DC-6000 Return and Maxspect Gyre 130

Tank: Red Sea Reefer 250

How far is you Kessil AP700 off the water? Mine is 7'' off the water which is why the intensity is lower.

The pics make the Stetosa and Acro look like they have more color than they do.

So if you want the color and not so much faster growth feed your coral Red Sea Color for your corals. Try skimming drier by either lowering the water level in your skimmer or raising the skimmer in your sump.

My lights are 5" from the water I'm running them at 55%. I would increase your intensity to 70-80% by doing 5% increase every week. Or stop when you start seeing color increases. Nitrate should be 1ppm or less and PO4 should be about .03 or less. Flow, flow, flow.


180 Gallon Dream (Now Reality)
Light program just looks short, that's the new mobile app program it doesn't go from 10:00-13:00 it goes from 10:00-23:00.

So you don't think I'm bleaching them with the AP700 and they need more light? I'm not sure I can do much with the skimmer. I've played with everything but the water height. It's set in 8" of water which is supposed the be the sweet spot.

Display of Reefer 250 is 55gal and sump is 10gal.
I think you need to feed your fish more and take off the Gfo for a while

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I think you mean pale corals (I.e. pastel colors). Typically this is from starvation.

Bleached coral are bright white. Like bleached socks.
Light program just looks short, that's the new mobile app program it doesn't go from 10:00-13:00 it goes from 10:00-23:00.

So you don't think I'm bleaching them with the AP700 and they need more light? I'm not sure I can do much with the skimmer. I've played with everything but the water height. It's set in 8" of water which is supposed the be the sweet spot.

Display of Reefer 250 is 55gal and sump is 10gal.

They look starved, not bleached. Corals that need more light are typically dark brown.