Natural Blue
New member
I've got a fairly new reef 4 months old and most all my corals are doing great except some of my SPS. My Duncans, Acans, Frogspawn, GSP, leathers are all doing great. My Stylophora did look bleached the first month but it's really coming around and looks great.
However my Montipora Capricorna, Orange Stetosa, and Acropora are all looking bleached. In fact, if it weren't for seeing some polyps I'd think they were dead. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong or if it just really takes some time for them to adjust to the new tank.
Water Parameters for the last month have been stable at:
Temp: 78.1
ph: 8.05-8.2
NH3, NO2,NO3, all 0
Ca 415
KH 9
Mg 1320
Light: AP700 at 35% max intensity for 3 hours. Light is on for 12 hours and ramps up and back down to that 35% max.
I do a two part Alk/Cal dosing on Sunday/Wed/Friday and I also add a small amount of AcroPower. I run carbon and gfo in two separate reactors.
Any thoughts? Are these difficult corals.
However my Montipora Capricorna, Orange Stetosa, and Acropora are all looking bleached. In fact, if it weren't for seeing some polyps I'd think they were dead. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong or if it just really takes some time for them to adjust to the new tank.
Water Parameters for the last month have been stable at:
Temp: 78.1
ph: 8.05-8.2
NH3, NO2,NO3, all 0
Ca 415
KH 9
Mg 1320
Light: AP700 at 35% max intensity for 3 hours. Light is on for 12 hours and ramps up and back down to that 35% max.
I do a two part Alk/Cal dosing on Sunday/Wed/Friday and I also add a small amount of AcroPower. I run carbon and gfo in two separate reactors.
Any thoughts? Are these difficult corals.