need answers about macro


New member
I just set up my cpr 18" long hang on sump fuge. Ive got 1 pile of miracle mud, 1 pile of live sand, and pile of shell for pods. All about 3" deep. None of piles are mixed, just side by side. There is also some live rock rubble in there too. I added chaetomorpha, gracilaria, and Ulva(sea lettuce). Theres a good handful of chaetomorpha, a pinch gracilaria, and a sheet of ulva. Now my questions are:

How do you tell if you have to much macro? What are the signs?My bioload is not large. 2 clowns, anemone, and clean up crew.

How much light should I be using? How long should I keep it on during the day? Currently I am using compact 13watt 6700k bulb.

Finally, What is there growth rate? Would I notice a difference in growth from week to week or day to day?

Thank for any help..
If there's too much macro, it just won't grow or even will recede due the lack of available nutrients. Chaet should double in about a week. Gracilaria and ulva are real nutrient hogs. With sufficient nutrient input they can grow very fast. Gracilaria has been known to double in one day under optimum culture conditions. However, for a refugium I would not worry too much about growth rates. They will grow according to the available nutrients.

Ditto with everything bill said. Also, my chemistry nerdness is shining through yet again but... do you test your nitrates, phosphates, and any other water parameters? If nitrates (or other available nitrogen) and phosphates are already very low, like bill was saying, they might not grow due to very low nutrient levels.

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I test for all my water parameters. Amm, Nitrites, Nitrates are all 0. I dont test for phosphates though.

What about lighting. How long should I keep it on?
With zero nitrates your macro's will be very dependant on additional input's. As for lighting, I like to light my refugiums 24/7 :D