Need help finding out what is happening


New member
I have had an sps only system for about 3 years now. Noticed some pieces had been doing great, to suddently start showing white, stringy patches, faded spots on the joints of the body of the coral.

Alk is good, ca is same, all other sps doing great. NO3 have been a bit higher now as I was carbon dosing and they seemed a bit pale. PO4 is also close to zero. Lighting is ATI's Sunpower.

Dip them.

AEFW bites are usually on the underside, but not always. I have never seen them on monti before.

Do you have enough flow in there with the colonies getting bigger? Is debris settling in the crevices and rotting?
Dip them.

AEFW bites are usually on the underside, but not always. I have never seen them on monti before.

Do you have enough flow in there with the colonies getting bigger? Is debris settling in the crevices and rotting?

I noticed these faded spots are usually in the top of the pieces, where lights hits them. These spots when looked closer, seem to have stringy stuff, white sandy confused. I have ok flow, once every two days or so I blow the debris with a turkey baster.

Im thinking there are indeed parasites here. What kind of dip? Any help is really appreciated
I checked now, the undersides of the corals are fine, with color and no spots/faded areas.
They happen only on the top parts? Confused
Are you dosing anything that could be preciping out? It looks to me that the spots in question are on top of the branches but in low spots where debris would settle.
CoralRx is a good dip to start with. This way, you can see what comes off. If you have an infestation, then Bayer is a good second step.
Are you dosing anything that could be preciping out? It looks to me that the spots in question are on top of the branches but in low spots where debris would settle.

I just dose the three parts, and potassium by hand... there are other months right next to these doing great with no issues...
It could be light bleaching due to too much light, but it wouldn't hurt to dip and see.

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That is what I thought... funny though that the branches of the colony do not show faded areas, just the body? I looked up for diseases and pests, but found nothing close.
Where is the out put for your dosing pumps? Do you pour the potassium right into the tank? How long have you been dosing it? What level is your potassium at?
How long after stopping your carbon dosing did it show up?
So, n is rising but p isn't? Or not as much? What are the levels?
Very intriguing that it is affecting acros and montis at the same time..
Doesn't look like aefw to me.. certainly not on the montis.
The fact that it is affecting both montis and acros makes me think it's a chemistry thing..
My gut says it's an 'old tank syndrome' thing.. water chemistry lacking some essential element or something.. along with the change in nutrients, may have stressed a few things..
Is it a 57 gallon tank?
Personally, with a 57 gallon tank, I'd be inclined to do several large (like 40ish %) water changes over the course of a month and see if that corrects the issue..