need help picking fish


i have a 180g sps/lps reef tank and considering upgrading to a 265-300gal tank. i'm wanting to add some more fish but not sure what i should add. i currently have....

3 yellow tangs
1 copperbanded butterfly
1 female zebra angel (looking to replace the male that died)
1 fairy wrasse
1 pearly jawfish
1 diamond goby
3 pj cardinals
4 chromis
1 longnose hawkfish
1 Purple Pseudochromis
1 female maroon clown (looking to replace the male that died or get rid of the female)
1 neon goby

2 cleaner shrimp
2 blood shrimp

1 red scallop
1 clam

planned additions.....
powder blue tang
achilles tang
blue spotted jawfish

question.... is this too many fish for my tank and if not which tang should i add first the pbt or the achilles? what about adding some angels like a goldflake or a chevron.
That seems like a bit of fish already... I think you MIIIIGHT be able to get by with one of the other tangs, assuming you have a real nice skimmer.

I would not go for more tangs, especially not these two ones...

I would go for some mates for your existing fish especially for the longnose and the clown and eventually the wrasse.

And go for some more chromis or a group of Pseudanthias;

also a pair of pygme angelfishes (like C. bispinosa) would be ok.

