Need Help!


New member
If anyone is available, I am going to be removing my closed loop and installing a new one. My current CL pump has sprung a leak and its not good at all. Water is damaging everthing. If anyone can help, or at least help tear down the old CLS it would be greatly appreciated.


PS. I get off work at 5 and will be home around 6. Also, I live in Windsor, near fort Collins and Greeley.
Thank you.
It's probably too late for you, but when I installed my CL, I put ball valves & unions on both the intake & output for just this type of issue. I have even removed the pump once to tighten a leaky joint.

What kind of help do you need & what exactly are you trying to do?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6917559#post6917559 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by stugray
It's probably too late for you, but when I installed my CL, I put ball valves & unions on both the intake & output for just this type of issue. I have even removed the pump once to tighten a leaky joint.

What kind of help do you need & what exactly are you trying to do?


I think I just want to remove the Closed Loop for now. Get the leak to stop. At the time I didnt put valves on the CL. Bad Idea now and a lesson learned for the next one.

Kip, thank you, maybe an hour to remove it, we will see.
My address:
908 Woodbine Drive
Windsor, CO 80550
Hope this doesn't effect you being able to host the meeting. Well, you might have a new subject for it at least. Best of luck, Ian!!

Are the bulkheads leaking or somewhere else?

Are the bulkheads threaded ( on the inside )?

If the bulkheads arent leaking, and they are threaded, you could plug the BHs from the inside with a threaded cap while you do the work outside the tank.
