need macro in oakland, CA


New member
Anyone of you reefers out there have macro you will be willing to donate/sell to me. Any would be find. I have my fuge with xenia's but they are not growing fast enough to be a nutrient export factor. Would appreciate it anyone had some halimda's and spaghetti. Thanks in advance.
i dont know about legality, but i have a large portion of spaghetti for $7 plus your choice of shipping. i dont live that far away either so u could probably get away with 3 or 4 day and it might get there sooner. PM me if interested
free chaetomorpha

free chaetomorpha

We could probably give you some from our club tank.
The tank is set up in San Leandro.
Jim from Bay Area Reef Enthusiasts
Bookfish, that would be great if you can give me some macro. I don't need too much. I just need a fistful so we should arrange a date and time? It's up to you i'm in no hurry.