need pan world pump suggestion for MR2 skimmer


Premium Member
I am looking for a good reliable pressure rated pump for a MR2 skimmer. From what I have heard the pan world pumps are a little quieter than most of the others. But I am not sure what model to go with. I was looking at the 150ps 1100GPH but am not sure if this will work out for the MR2 or not. Any suggestions.

Thankx Drew..
need pan world pump suggestion for MR2 skimmer

can't help you on the model you need but I just bought my first panworld 2 months ago and love it. Very quite.
That pump is perfect. Any pressure rated pump that pushes around 1000 gph for each beckett will work. If you have 2 becketts, then a 250ps would work nicely.
sure will. Might be 3-4 months down the road yet tho. Still getting everything together to bring the 180RR to life.
