need plant info. for daughters report


New member
Hello everyone I am discovering this part of the forum for the first time having tangs prevents me from having most plantlife. My daughter is doing a report in school on the living reef and needs to come up with 10 marine plants and I can name only a few. If anybody can help us out it would be great she also needs to come up with the orgin and water temp. Please if you can help or point us in the right direction it would be very appreciated thanks for your time.
I'm not sure there are a 10 varieties of true vascular plants used in the hobby, I only know of 3 varieties of seagrasses. But You might get a good bit of information at least as a jump off point on I would guess she will need to use Macroalgae also to find the info you want on 10 different items.

Sorry I'm not much help but no one seemed to be answering you, so I thought I would give you what I could.
Re: need plant info. for daughters report

sw-addict said:
My daughter is doing a report in school on the living reef and needs to come up with 10 marine plants...

Seagrasses are the only true marine plants, living their lives in the sea, rather than on or around it. Many people make the mistake that Mangroves and other terrestrial plants (such as salt-marsh grass) are marine, when in fact they're land plants which have adapted to tolerate salt. If the report calls for true marine plants, algae and salt-tolerating plants are out, and we need to find 10 species of seagrasses. This Genus list will start you off:

Syringodium sp.
Zostera sp.
Phyllospadix sp.
Thalassia sp.
Cymodocea sp.
Halophila sp.
Ruppia sp.
Enhalus sp.
Amphibolis sp.
Halodule sp.

There is a ton of available information on Seagrasses, their taxonomy, habitat, etc. on the web. I'd try a google search and find a university or Gov. funded agency's site and see what you can come up with. If you need more help feel free to ask, and i'll see what i can do. :) Have fun with your daughter!