Need some help/advice?!


New member
So I have a 85 gallon tank with a hang on protein skimmer / refugium. In the refugium area I'm currently running bio balls (that I clean every other week) to help with filtering and small air bubble cause by skimmer part. I have 3 2600gph powerheads and one 800gpg for water movement. This tank has been a reef tank for ten years. Black live sand bottom. My water test results are; temp=77° salinity =1.025 ph=8.2 nitrite=0ppm ammonia=0ppm nitrate=5.0ppm Calcium=450ppm phosphate=0.50ppm kh=10 magnesium=1500ppm

Now my issue is that I'm loosing fish, some with signs and others suddenly with no signs of anything. I lost a powder blue, tommini, about six sets of clowns(can't seem to keep any clown fish), a herum of anthias, three different bicolor blennies(my kids loved him, lol) I have zoas, mushrooms, two bubble anemones, two carpet anemones, frog spawn, torch, star polyps, Kenya tree, cabbage leather, recordias all normal and growing. I lost all three different yuma mushrooms I had, they bleached out and then dyed. I even tried to move them around to help them. I feed p e mysis and some smaller mysis daily. I do 4 gallon water changes every other day, with ro water with reef crystals salt mix.

Any help is appreciated, I think I've lost like 500 or more in fish:headwally:
Did you make any changes prior to the problems? Add any new fish recently? My first thought is "Old tank syndrome" How deep is the sand bed? Did you maybe disturb the sand bed recently? Could be Hydrogen Sulfide being released. If the answer to all these questions is "no" then I would get an ICP test done.
Good thought, except for three years ago I took the sand out and ran bare bottom until like 4 months ago I added the sand back cause I didn't like bare bottom. (Now I did take that sand out cause of some bad advice) The sand I put in is new and good sand I even rensed with some new saltwater I had ready for a water change. Most of the fish are fairly new but still I should not be loosing fish at such a rapid rate.....
The signs on the fish are like color loss and there scales look funky. As far as the tank being grounded, I'm not sure what your referring to. All. My outlets for the 110v power are grounded......
Purchase a grounding probe/rod.
As your pumps and heaters get older they begin to release "stray voltage" into the water. This will prevent it from harming your tank inhabitants. If you have a volt meter you can test the water. I have one in all 3 of my tanks, cheap insurance.
I would say it is more than likely a disease with the fish. As far as the corals go I am always skeptical of black sand. Since it is volcanic its makeup can vary with different trace metals, though it is usually fine. Again an ICP test maybe very enlightening.
I'm going to get a icp test. I initially thought it was fish disease but I do have some fish and shrimp that have lived through this and one lone clarki clown. And I understand what you mean about the sand. I used the finer black sand and have used the same brand before and had my tank thriving. But anyways I'll let you guys know after I get a icp test.
One other thought is to cross check your salinity. I was having problems with livestock when I was relying on my conductivity probe. I also hadn't calibrated my refractometer for a while. My icp test showed low NaCl which was a super simple fix that i didn't realize was even happening. I don't believe my conductivity probe anymore.
I have two refractomitors and have had a lfs even check my water. But on the not so good side I've now lost my smaller green long tentacle carpet anemone and my huge one is not looking hot.

I'm going get a icp test hopefully tomorrow cause im off work then.