need some help


New member
dont have a camera to take pictures but not sure what i have in my nano. so ill do my best to discribe what i have and see if anyone has a link to a pic or 2 to see if that is what it is. First thing i think is red bugs. They look like little tiny red blobs on the rock at first i thought they were so sort of slug but im not so sure now. Second thing im not sure if it's aiptasia or not(never seen a photo) but what started as a couple grew into many( were killed off by me or so i thought) and now they are back 3 months later. they just llook like a red stalk in the light but at night they extend thier white tips which seem to glow in the dark. i had a problem with fish ding sudenly for no reason and then after i killed them off(or so I though) it stop untill 2 days ago all the sudden i lost a 6 line and bothe my sally lightfoot crabs for no reason. thanx in advance if you can help
It is difficult to tell without pictures, but it sounds as if you have some flatworms and possibly aptasia. If you search or just browse some of the other flatworm and aptasia threads on the reef discussion forum, you will see some pics and conversations on how to get rid of both. Lysmata wurdermanni, the "true" Peppermint Shrimp will eat aptasia, while specimens of the smaller, more transparent and dark-tailed Lysmata rathbunae will not.
i have flatworms as well. These small red things are deffinitly not flatworms more like a red blob and very small in size they dont seem to be growing but seem to be multipling. Tried doing a search but because the forms are allways backed unless your a premium member it is very difficult. been reading posts for over a week and have seen nothing
water changes done 1x weekly salinity-1.023 nitrate-0 -0 amonia-0. did a search on aiptasia this is not what i have on my rock, which has ben moved to a holding tank for now. it only extends it self at night retracting during the day.
thanx for the link... aparently the bugs are not red bugs they are Chiton which apears to be reef safe. now i just need to iddentify the other mystery