Need to borrow buckets or water containers


New member
Anyone have some clean buckets with lids or water containers with lids i can borrow for about a week or 2? Im taking down the tank this week to bring it over to the new place. Want to bring everything over in as much aged seawater as possible to make the transition quick and painless.
I did the cheapo way. ( recommended by fellow reefer) went to HD got 10 stacking heavy duty containers with lids uses them, cleaned them and returned. Kept two to organize some of my reefing stuff.
I have all those black bins with the yellow lids Johny is talking about and you can borrow them when you pick up your materials tonight....enough for all your stuff im sure and I have a 55barrel that you can put your rock and some water in

unlike johnny I kept them and did not use and return lol
I did the cheapo way. ( recommended by fellow reefer) went to HD got 10 stacking heavy duty containers with lids uses them, cleaned them and returned. Kept two to organize some of my reefing stuff.

That's just wrong. Shame on you:deadhorse::p
No better than those that buy an outfit at Macy's, wear it one night to da club, and return it smelling like a whore house, LOL! I used to work there, haha!
No better than those that buy an outfit at Macy's, wear it one night to da club, and return it smelling like a whore house, LOL! I used to work there, haha!

I'm surprised they would take something back like that. :thumbdown
John, I'm off of Indian Trace exit on I75. Right before going into the alley. If you want, I have about 4-5 buckets that you can borrow.
Lmao look at the can worms I opened lol you guys would be surprised who in RC gave me that idea. Lol I can say for all the home owners here the amount of money we spend at those stores is out of control sometimes. I wonder why in the world I'm not renting....
Thanks guys, got a couple tough boxes from Matt when picking up my acrylic. They are pretty nice, i might have to buy a couple for myself.
Dont feel bad, HD is racking in the dough.

I did same thing lol

I know what you are saying Mike but think of it this way ....just because you own a successful company people should steal from you....

or if your really smart about it you can realize the more returns a company has that some of them as we all know cant be sold for retail and must be marked down eventually takes a toll and prices have to be increased to cover this counted upon loss ....and in the end because of people that just take things use them and then return them the prices for me are higher thats not cool

lol if you cant afford a bucket you picked the wrong hobby
I have five buckets 61/2 gallons and five 5gallons similar to the ones you store gas, plus two five gallons with a lids. I live in west Miramar off 75.
I have a brand new 55 gallon brute you can borrow and also have an electric bilge pump that is awesome that takes water out about the speed of a normal hose that is wide open. Talk about a back saver as well as a time saver. Hook a normal size hose and you can deliver water about 75-100 feet without any problem. I live in Parkland at University and the Sawgrass. Honestly I would take 50% of the water and use NSW for the rest. Just make sure the temperature and salinity are close and you will be golden... Kindof like a 50% waterchange to get things going in the right direction. Watch Nitrates as you will likely have a minicycle. PM me if you need the above. GL...