Needed a good laugh today, i thought it was a joke at first.


so i get a text from a potential buyer from craigslist. here is how it went. sorry if i was harsh, ive had a really long day. work is crazy busy right now which is a good thing.

them interested in ur corals my number is blah blah blah

me sure what can i help you with

them ur corrals r u still selling them

me yes

them how much do u have it for

me depends on what

them the corals for the fish tank

me i know depends on the coral

them the big one

me the big lobo brain ???

them yeah they r plastic right

me no they are real coral !!!

them fresh water

me haha, dude since when do corals live in freshwater

them since they can due replicas out of plastic

me so ur gonna put fake corals in a fresh water tank with fresh water fish. yeah that makes sense (confused smiley face) even fake corals in actual saltwater tank would be reall lame.

them well thank u, but yeah they look nice

me no real corals look nice. plastic stuff looks terrible, let me know if u ever get into saltwater. your gonna need advice haha

them alright thanks man
Pedro--you are an @ss! Knowing how I am, I would have stopped and caused them out when they said if they were fake.
i know guys, it was right when i got home after several work calls that made me need a high life. so that was about as nice as i could be at the moment. but maybe there is one less person in the world out there wanting to buy fake plastic corals, not to mention to put them in a fresh water tank !!! haha.
i know that why i ended it with let me know when u go saltwater i would direct him to here. and for some reason i never even had a fish tank before salt water, seeing a nice saltwater tank made me get into fish tanks.
It took me a while to dig this up from the archives, I figured I would add on to this thread as off the wall incidents.

Well Yesterday I was @ petsmart with my brother in law. I was getting some gravel and a large tree trunk decoration along with some carbon and some filter pads. I was helping him set up a tank for a red ear slider turtle.

Here is where it gets wierd. we were in line to pay and a man tells me that he is a local fresh water fish breeder, and that he also sold dry goods. He then told me that he had everything I was going to buy and that he could sell it to me way cheaper than tha store could.

I know a couple of people here in EP that sell out of their house so I tok this guy as legit.

So I follow this guy from west EP to Far North East EP at speeds of over 85mph. We finally get to his house and it looks legit, some new aquariums in his garage staked agains the wall and inside the house every room (livingroom, kitchen, dining room, den) were wall to wall with fresh water fish. So it all looks good then I ask him for the stuff I needed and he goes out into his back yard for about 20 minutes. Hw comes back with a bucket full of dirt with some gravel in it. I tell him thats not what I wanted and he goes back and brings me another bucket with the same stuff.

Now I am a little irritated If we would of bought the stuff at petsmart I would of already set the whole thing up.

I ask him for the trunk and he brings me a broken castle and twho fish bowl decorations. Now I am really ticked off. He sees my face and then offers some drift wood. I say let me see it and he brings me a tree branch from his back yard.

I finally said enough and told him I was leaving, he said what about the filter pads, I dont want used ones! He took three pads out of a package he was using and told me it would be $12 for the pads. I laughed took the pads and gave him the money. I didn't want the whole trip to be pointless.

I was so ticked off last night and now have to take another trip to petsmart today to buy the stuff I was originaly going to get.

W T F!

Just venting here

Hey Erik was it discus daves? lol That is about the only freshwater person i know down there. lol

Steffen Sparks