Needing advice


New member
I've had a few pieces starting to lose tissue around the base so I've started searching for pests. Not seeing any as of yet but I've decided to pull everything and do repeated dips and the the tank chill. The question is what is the recommended time with no SPS in the tank before any pest would be gone? I know if it does turn out to be flatworms my Montiporas are fine, do red bugs bother Mintora?
I've had a few pieces starting to lose tissue around the base so I've started searching for pests. Not seeing any as of yet but I've decided to pull everything and do repeated dips and the the tank chill. The question is what is the recommended time with no SPS in the tank before any pest would be gone? I know if it does turn out to be flatworms my Montiporas are fine, do red bugs bother Mintora?

Not sure pulling everything at the first sign of recession is such a good idea. Especially if there are no signs of pests. You can see bugs and flatworms.
I suspect your plan may kill everything. They are already stressed, so pulling them and doing multiple dips will only stress them more.
Why not start with the basics..
Parameters, nutrients, flow, lighting..
What's your set up like? How long has it been running? What's in it?
After pulling everything and dipping it appears I do have AEFW. As if I needed another lesson on QT everything. One of these days I will listen to my own advice.