Neomeris annulata aka Spindle weed aka Fuzzy tip algae


New member
Who has had luck beating this monster? I am looking for a local plan to tackle this monster. The 200g work tank has the problem and looking for suggestions before i give my thoughts.
I know if its your typical green hair algae sea hares help but need to be taken out if there's none left to eat. other than that I would look into replacing any medias and doing a nice water change / changing bulbs if there old. something is causing the outbreak just need to figure out whats going on. can you post your lvls including phosphates
Manual removal works best. Not much eats it.

On the bright side, it does best with excellent water quality, so the tank must have good water quality ;)
I think I am gonna have all the rock pulled cleaned and reinstalled. I'll pick up a couple of longspine urchins as an insurance policy as well. Good idea?
Problem with long spin urchins is that it hurts when you bump into them :eek2: :D
Read up on varous threads and want to help as we must be neighbors here in Parkland. Consensus is as follows: 1. Loves Calcium and you will need something else to consume the calcium and compete with it. Add SPS, Clams, etc 2. Raise Magnesium as that appears to also help 3. Manually remove and place rocks upside down 4. Get Coraline to grow as fast as you can (similiar to #1) 5. Remove the rock, cook it, and start over. Good Luck...