Neon psuedochromi FS/FT/Donation LOL


The OG mad scientist
I've had this baby for a while about 8 months and recently turned agaisnt my wrasses. I'm in the process of capturing him. If any of you guys interested pls let me know. If not i'm sure i can trade him at LFS for some acros and wat not. Anyways healthy specimen but in my tank he has become a bully.
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my cleaners 5 are good/but he took care of peps.
otherwise ok
small of this sells for $40
this one is about5-6 inches
Wow that a big nice fish manny.
I really like him but don't have any room for him. LOL
Good luck finding him a new home.
small of this sells for $40
this one is about5-6 inches
I'm sure we can work something as soon as i capture this sucker LOL
Mine loves to kill the very expensive cleaner shrimp. I've given up on the skunks. Blood shrimp has fared better since it has big claws and hides in the rocks.
Like every good fisherman there's an issue with size lol

Like every good fisherman there's an issue with size lol

Well after a week of fishing this morning I called my three year old to the office to help me with my fishing, go figure the F%$#&# went right in the trap and viola LMAO.
Anyways he will be in my sump and in the trap till friday then if no one interested he goes to lfs for credit.
I"M THE GREATEST FISHERMAN IN THE WORLD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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