NERAC IX March 21st 2015

It would be great is there was someone selling CUC's... something everyone is always replenishing...
OK like it or not here we go----
Many of the Vendors are like many of the Attendees -- They say they are coming but have just not committed yet.
Last year 4 or 5 vendors paid for their booth on the day of the event.
Great, but if you don't pay in advance & we say, so & so will be there & they don't come we are left with egg on the face. I don't like eggs except scrambled.
There are 4 vendors so far & 3 are paid, so the 3 are:
Pacific East Aquaculture (Dr. Mac)
Fins Aquarium
NY Coral King

I am told the following vendors have said they will be there -- not paid yet.
Marco Rocks--Bob's Exotic Fish--Seachem--Reef Farmer
Question. Do I need to buy aquarium admission in advance? And what age do kids get charged for aquarium? Already have my conference tickets.
Vinny is there an option for the conference as well as the dinner? Or do they need to be purchased separately? Also, Will the venders be selling items? And if so will the conference tickets give me access to them. I like many are on the fence about going.

Conference ticket gives access to speakers & vendors on the selling floor.
Yes they will be selling, livestock mostly.
Lunch, dinner & the aquarium are separate add-ons.
One week to go for NERAC IX!

One week to go for NERAC IX!

One week to go for NERAC IX!
Register today for an all day Conference pass or just come in the evening for an Elegant Catered Banquet Dinner and Open Bar in front of the 20,000g Reef Tank!
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Just a reminder to post the complete list of paid vendors so we can share that on other sites...
Fins Aquarium
Dr. Mac
NY Coral king
Reef Gen
Pop Corals
Marco Rocks
Marine Farmers
Bob's Exotic Fish
ABC Reefs
The Coral Farmers
M&M Corals
WAMAS - MACNA Info/Sign Up
Mr. Saltwater Tank - Will also be filming for his site.
I see children under 16 are admitted free to the conference only, but what are the rules about the dinner? I do not see much information on the dinner. Can we request locations for seating?

Seating for the dinner is open, we've never assigned seating.

We only charge what catering charges us; children under 3 are free, lunch and dinner are a fixed fee as everything is served buffet.