New 150 Gallon Custom A.G.E. Frag Tank Build

Ended up needing to have the stand redone to fit in the interior door...

Ended up making the red and blue sections separate pieces that we can angel through the door and reassemble in the room using sleeves.


Got started again after the welder got some more projects out of the way that lined up after the first stand...

Well got the completed stand today and was able to get it into the room :)

Now we just need to clean and paint it (outside :P), and then we can start getting this build underway :beer:

This is going to be one great frag tank. Can't wait to see it wet!

Thanks so much :)

Got the stand all cleaned up and ready for primer and paint.

It just won't stop raining, and I need to pull our cars out of the garage to paint. I don't drive my car in the rain, so it's delaying everything... :mad2:

Got the stand primed, will probably finish painting tonight.

Also ordered all the plumbing stuff :)

Finally got the tank on the stand and put in place :)

Also picked up a 29 gallon tank at Petco's $1 per gallon sale for top off water...

Got a bunch of stuff in :)

Will be plumbing the tank this weekend!

Hopefully my old Reef Octopus DCS300 Skimmer isn't too big for the tank... worth a shot!

Frag tank looks amazing! I am reading through your 470 gallon build right now. I am becoming a big fan of the steel stands!
Subbed your youtube channel as well! I'm in the process of building my first reef tank, a very large 27 gallon cube! I've been leaning towards Kessil and the more I see the more I like! Just need to decide if a A160WE will work for my 20"W X 18"D X 20"H tank.
Got everything sorted out and started filling the tank.

Did a small leak test of the overflow, drains and returns. Didn't see any leaks :knock on wood:

The real test will be when the system is running...

Added 80 lbs of Special Grade Reef Sand after rinsing forever.



Peter, this is an incredible build! How are the Kessils working for you? Very excited to see this one progress! :)