New 210g - Portugal

Hi again, Marcelo

Interesting list of fishes you have there.

Harlequin Tusk - I really like a lot. DonÃ"šÃ‚´t think would be a problem with corals, but I believe would be no room for shrimps and difficults times for the rest of the cleaning crew. Or am I wrong ? I would be very interested to have one, but..

Clams - I already had problems with my flame angel (centropyge loriculus) with a derasa. So I supposed would get worst with a big Angel...

Genicanthus - I think are the (only ?) really "reef safe" of all angels

My ideia was to wait for a while before introducing the Angel, giving the tank and corals some time to mature and grow. The decision between the 4 listed above is not easy... will depend a lot on seeing a good individual in a reliable LFS.

But I wonÃ"šÃ‚´t trust having some LPS (all kind of brains at least) with these guys. IÃ"šÃ‚´ve either seen, heard or read to many bad experiences to go for it. ItÃ"šÃ‚´s an expensive meal for my pocket...Same goes for adult P. hepatus (Hyppo tang ?).
Like I mentioned, I have an Emp that picks on a brain occasionally. I have a biggish Regal in QT now (3-4") and it's only eating nori on a clip. These fish aren't notorious SPS nibblers but of course some will. But even then it might be one acro out of 10. These fish like meaty LPS for sure but only to pick on a bit by the looks of it. If nibbling on a brain or two keeps them happy and if the fish nibble on one acro out of 10 then it's a small price for keeping such beautiful fish. These fish enticed me into this hobby and it's a price I'm more than willing to pay.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7344247#post7344247 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by NexDog
If nibbling on a brain or two keeps them happy and if the fish nibble on one acro out of 10 then it's a small price for keeping such beautiful fish. These fish enticed me into this hobby and it's a price I'm more than willing to pay.

Hi there Laurence,

If itÃ"šÃ‚´s only that...IÃ"šÃ‚´ll gladly pay it too !
I like my fishes a lot and they are my main objective in the hobby. It will limit my coral choices but I think in corals as a natural scenario/background to the fishes.

Harlequin Tusk - I really like a lot. DonÃ"šÃ‚´t think would be a problem with corals, but I believe would be no room for shrimps and difficults times for the rest of the cleaning crew. Or am I wrong ? I would be very interested to have one, but..

Not the most beautiful fish in the oceans IMO, but it has an unique appearance with a tiger-like pattern, blue teeths and vivid colors. It's "curious" behaviour and always on swimming mode are a must too. It's so different that anyone looking at tank ask note the tusk and usually ask me about the fish.

In my experience behaviour of Harelquin Tusk are difficult to define. Definitively it's coral safe, except for the ones it drops or move searching for food. Not a problem if you fix your corals as recomended (what i usually don't do with my sps frags :O)). I don't think clams could be a problem at all. Even my feather dusters aren't bothered.

don't have shrimps now, but i'm pretty sure stenopus (coral banded shrimp) won't be a problem. I'll try a cleaner (large one) but i'm but I'm very apprehensive.
My tusk attacked and killed a small longnoose hawk (Oxycirrhites typus) when they are in QT but don't touch my small fishes (firefishes, ocellaris clowns (one very small) and watchman goby). I think it saw the hawk was a shrimp because of swiming behaviour and appearence of the hawkfish or maybe tusk recognized it as another crustacean eater and killed it to avoid another fish in the same niche.

I dind't see my tusk going after my heremits and snails until now and their number appears to decrease in a normal way. I now I have in my tank a mantis/pistol shirmp and sometimes I can found the rests of a heremit crab floating around. My tusk tried to kill the mantis/pistol sometimes, but it's usually deep inside the rocks.
Thats' not a big problem cause I live near ocean and I can collect my cleanup crew. Instead, it's a pleasure and I already need to dive in beach near my house 3 to 4 times a year to collect some sponges to my Regal Angel.

Even if i need to buy my clean-up crew I think it's a minor problem.

Clams - I already had problems with my flame angel (centropyge loriculus) with a derasa. So I supposed would get worst with a big Angel...

Depends on species and flame angels are notorious to pick on clams. My option to harlequin tusk is because of flame angel problems with clams and corals. They usually pick on SPS polyps too.

Genicanthus - I think are the (only ?) really "reef safe" of all angels

Mine never touched anything, but i read some stories about lamarcks that killed a plate coral and open brains.
They are my best bet as reefsafe angels. Unfortunately they are not as beautiful as large angels or some Centropyges.
I'm trying to find another female to make a pair with mine.

My ideia was to wait for a while before introducing the Angel, giving the tank and corals some time to mature and grow. The decision between the 4 listed above is not easy... will depend a lot on seeing a good individual in a reliable LFS.

Probably the marine ornamentals market in Protugal is similar to our local market. Very small compared with north american and asian markets. Organisms and equipment are usually four times expensive too.
I have access to the largest importers in Latin America (all in Brazil) and needed to wait 6 months to get a Red Sea Regal Angel the size I want. Only two of our local importes take fishes from Red Sea, but in Europe the things must be different.

But I wonÃ"šÃ‚´t trust having some LPS (all kind of brains at least) with these guys. IÃ"šÃ‚´ve either seen, heard or read to many bad experiences to go for it. ItÃ"šÃ‚´s an expensive meal for my pocket...Same goes for adult P. hepatus (Hyppo tang ?).

I totally agree, meat LPS are at very high risk. Best avoid them.

IMO Hepatus are less reefsafe with LPS than some large angels (Regal, Emperor, Majestic...) My Regal now ignores a very large trumpet I have but I gave a frag to a friend and their hepatus destroyed it in minutes.


Tks for all that info Marcelo. I really appreciated it.

The idea of having a Tusk is increasing... still, IÃ"šÃ‚´ve read that when they reach adulthood they become much more agressive to small fishes. That might also be a problem since IÃ"šÃ‚´ll have two (mini) schools (5 to 7), one of Chromis viridis and one of Lyretail Anthias. How big is yours ?

It also has a lot to do with luck in getting the right individual.

To give ou an example, last year my Yellow tang started to like to eat the shrimps antennas. I lost a stenopus (!) and 2 cleaner shrimps (L. amboinensis) because of that !

Speaking of Angels, what about the Arusetta asfur ? Do you have any info on their (usual) behavior with corals ? Similar to Emperors, Regal, Majestic and ...Xanthometopon (English name ? Masked face ?) or worse ?

How long do you have your Emperor? Is it a juvenile? What size?

I'm asking because my regal started to pick on my Scolymia after several months without any issue. The same ocurred with my red open brain, at least 3 months before he/she started do pick on it (previous to the scoly but i put a portection cage on it).

My socolymia was very large and the fish was literally eating the coral, not only picking as you said. It started picking and after sometime devoured part of the coral. I put an eggcrate cage above the coral and it was recovering very well, until my small ocellaris decided to use it as home and killed it... :(

My Regal arrived near 2 1/2" and now have 3 to 4". I think large angels are more risk as they grow. Be carefull with your Regal!

These fish aren't notorious SPS nibblers but of course some will. But even then it might be one acro out of 10. These fish like meaty LPS for sure but only to pick on a bit by the looks of it. If nibbling on a brain or two keeps them happy and if the fish nibble on one acro out of 10 then it's a small price for keeping such beautiful fish. These fish enticed me into this hobby and it's a price I'm more than willing to pay. [/B]

My experience with Regal angel and SPS are the same, mine don't even note it. Never touched one!

In relation to meaty LPS I desagree! My Regal was eating the Scolymia to the skeleton not only "picking on a bit". I'm sure it could did the same with the Red Open Brain if it was without the protection.

Even if an large angel eated a coral (as mine did) I think it's a small price to pay for these beauties. By far angels are my favourite fishes.



Tks for all that info Marcelo. I really appreciated it.

Por nada, you're welcome! :)

The idea of having a Tusk is increasing... still, IÃ"šÃ‚´ve read that when they reach adulthood they become much more agressive to small fishes. That might also be a problem since IÃ"šÃ‚´ll have two (mini) schools (5 to 7), one of Chromis viridis and one of Lyretail Anthias. How big is yours ?

Well my tusk is supposed to be small in size, at least the importer classified it as small. But the fish had almost 11,5 cm (4,5 inches) when I first measured it at QT six months ago. More like to medium IMO. Hard to tell, but I think it's near 12 cm (~5 inches) by now.

I suspect thta my tusk bit the tail and one of the ventral fins of my new Powder Blue Tang (PBT goes to the tusk cave when released in the tank at night). He also started to fight a little with YT last couple of months. Nothing serious, only some "flares" between them.

Based in my experience tusk won't be a problem with chromis or anthias. Lyretails become quite big as adults.

To give ou an example, last year my Yellow tang started to like to eat the shrimps antennas. I lost a stenopus (!) and 2 cleaner shrimps (L. amboinensis) because of that !

Antennas or the whole animal? I never heard something like that, but YT are one of the most agressive fishes you an have.

Speaking of Angels, what about the Arusetta asfur ? Do you have any info on their (usual) behavior with corals ? Similar to Emperors, Regal, Majestic and ...Xanthometopon (English name ? Masked face ?) or worse ?

A friend (in Brazil) have an asfur (tank raised) and a juvenile emperor at his tank. He told me to expect the same behavior from asfur and imperator. I read the same, most people put them a little "after" Regal and Majestic in "reefsafeness".

Pomacanthus Euxiphipops xanthometopon: blue faced angel. One of the the most beautifully colored and expensive angels.


Hi there,

My YT only eats the antennas. But then, the shrimps "go blind" and die.

As regards the Abegl, I have a year (more a less) to decide...

In the meanwhile, this weekend IÃ"šÃ‚´ve been working on the system (after the 24 G water change...):

Valves and filter sockets in the 2 operating outflows (the 3rd one is just for safety)



The cerithes are in a very reproductive mood. Hundreds of eggs like these:

Some tests:

Ph: 8,4
Ammonia: beween 0,02 and 0,05
Nitrits: 0
Nitrats: 5 mg/l
Kh: 9Ã"šÃ‚º
Ca: 396 mg/l

And I finally decided for the return pump: A 6.500 lts (1.717 US G)/ h Red Dragon. IÃ"šÃ‚´ll set it up next weekend
Hi there,

The new pump arrived ! HereÃ"šÃ‚´s the beauty

and after installed it in the system

So, I made a water change with natural water (around 27 G)

and reinforced the cleaning crew with some colected snails (monodontha sp.)

The new QT is already in place

And next Saturday IÃ"šÃ‚´ll move whatÃ"šÃ‚´s in my old 55G to the new tank
So, last Saturday it was (finally) time to move my 55G to the new tank. Here are some pics:

The team: 3 generations of aquarium keepers (since 1972) - IÃ"šÃ‚´m standing in the back - and a close friend to the family:

And the works began




Upon arrival, I placed the LR and coral (softies and a bubble) in the sump and the fish (YT, Maroon, Flame angel, yellow tail damsel and lepadogaster) in the quarantine tank for aclimatization




Next week IÃ"šÃ‚´ll take some photos of the tank.

In the meanwhile, hereÃ"šÃ‚´s a pic of my living room. with the tank
Time for an update

After introducing my old tank stock in the new one and adding some corals I’ve been reserving and picking, I decided to take some pics and post them here.

Unfortunately, the camera battery was with low charge and I didn’t have the charger with me....So, I only took a few pics and they’re a bit blurry. Sorry for that.
Nevertheless, here they go. Hope to take some more next weekend.





Right (softies area)
Nice tank!

where did you go to get the water???

if yo ucan make the 4 hour drive to Algarve, ive seen peppermint shrimp in caves there, and lots of cool stuff!

i was there last summer visiting family in Mira D'Aire, and we went to algarev for a fews days, i wanted to bring stuff home with me!
Hi there,

I´ve picked the water near Cascais at a Cape called Cabo Raso.
I actually work in the Algarve (staying here from Monday to Friday), and luckly its only a 2h drive nowadays. It´s a very nice area as you may agree

p.s - those shrimps were problably Monaco shrimps (Lysmata seticaudata), althoug very similar to Peppermint (L. wurdemanni), their differente species.
Hi there,

Just a quick update after changing the back pannel of the tank and introducing some new corals






And some pics taken from the back of the tank

Hi João,

I didn´t knew that you´de post here some pics of your tank. I must say that´s one of the future greatest tanks in Portugal!!!

Here are some pics that I took...


left side...


right side...


and some fishes...



Well done João!

And some examples of growth:

Pocillopora damicornis
July 1

August 8

Seriatopora hystrix
June 24

August 5

Montipora (aequituberculata?)
July 1

August 5