Hello everyone,
I have been thru lot lately in my aquarium ...
Aptaisa outbreak, AEFW (solved finally), dictyota algae, pale corals and I lost lots of fishes to Crypto and Brookynela you name it.
I lost a lot of fishes:
1x Naso elegans
1x tennenti
1x pyroferus
2x oceallaris
10x anthias
1x leucosternon
1x stigmatura
2x filefish
I cannot even count anymore the amount of times I talked and thought to quit.
A friend of mine looking at the corals and the algae outbreak told me to increase the water changes with NSW and stop dosing any products for a couple of weeks.
I did that leveraging the WC to vacuum the algae with a air tube (10mm). Imagine what is to change 200 litres of water with 10mm tubing??? :mad2::mad2::mad2:
So with a heavy 3 month fight I got rid of aptaisa (the bulk of them at least)
With two and a half months of NSW WC I changed 5.400 litres of water, 200 litres every 3/4 days and I am in the process of dealing with the dictyota. I am trying to find the fish that eats it and meanwhile doing the WC and removing as much as I can.
I also bought 10 Kg of live rock to enhance the biodiversity of my system as it was too sterile. That led to an aditional layout change.
The results are to be seen:
The new rock:
When I started to vacuum!
And lately. This is what I remove every 3 days.
It get's into return pump, tunzes, skimmer, etc.
3 days after vacuum ... here she is all back!