New 315 gallon tank


New member
I have ordered a new 315 gallon acrylic tank; i was thinking of drilling a 1" hole in the back of one of the overflow areas to add a bulk head about 4" from the top. I was then going to plumb a gate valve to this with a barbed fitting to secure a hose to, to do water changes. Is this as dangerous as it sounds after I read this to myself? I am tired of hauling hose and siphoning? thanks Jeff
Seems to me that the water going to the overflow is coming from somewhere else. If you do water changes from the overflow, you need to run a pump that is likely coming from the sump. Once the sump runs dry, water will quit flowing to the overflow. I suppose this will work fine as long as you don't run the pump dry.

Why not put a T in the return line with a ball valve to the tank and another to waste. Close the one to the tank, open the one to waste and turn on the pump. Reverse the process after you complete your water change. Still the caution about running the pump dry.

BTW. Ball valves are generally used in on-off operations as you describe. Gate valves are generally used for flow control as they give you finer adjustments.
i have a built in water change chamber in my sump...

click my red house to see my thread....
They built the system in so they can spend time with the family rather then just working on the tank.

They have a job to support their addiction (a.k.a. hobby).
Yes RocketEngineer they are obviously sharp and that is the kind of info I am looking for; smarter not harder. thanks Jeff