New member
My new custom semi reef 650g main tank w/200g sump including refugium is in process!
Plan on lots of live rock and some very hardy, mostly hard corals. Will try some mushrooms, zoo’s and 2/3 Rose bubble anemone’s. The stars of the tank will be the fish.....marbled cat shark, emperor angel, scribbled angel, 3 yellow tangs, hippo blue tang, powder blue tang, purple tang, flame angel, coral beauty angel, flame hawk, 4 tank raised percs/ocellaris, 10 neon gobies.
Open to commentary and suggestions. Thx
Plan on lots of live rock and some very hardy, mostly hard corals. Will try some mushrooms, zoo’s and 2/3 Rose bubble anemone’s. The stars of the tank will be the fish.....marbled cat shark, emperor angel, scribbled angel, 3 yellow tangs, hippo blue tang, powder blue tang, purple tang, flame angel, coral beauty angel, flame hawk, 4 tank raised percs/ocellaris, 10 neon gobies.
Open to commentary and suggestions. Thx
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