New 9011 skimmer setup?


New member
I just received a 9011 skimmer and had a question on the best setup.... I have a sump / refugium that keeps a constant water level in the skimmer compartment of about 11.5-12". I plan on using the magnet and mounting it to the side of the sump. should I use the supplied outlet tube hooked up? Or use it without the tube, keeping the water constant with the water mark on the skimmer. There would be approx. 2" of clearance / water below the skimmer to the bottom of the sump, if I kept the water constant at the water mark using the magent setup.

It looks like if I use the supplied outlet tube and attach it, I will have to raise the skimmer in the sump to keep this pipe above water. Is one way better then the other, or doers it make no difference.
I have 120 gallon mixed reef setup.

Thanks for the help
I would just use it at the marked water level without the pipe. You can remove the cap for pipe and install the coupler between the pump and intake to get maximum performance and not use the pipe if the water level is constant at or a little below the marked line. The only draw back to this is more microbubbles than you would have with the pipe but if the sump has a baffled return compartment this is probably not a problem.