New BK Cone!

New Bubble King Cone Skimmers

New Bubble King Cone Skimmers

The new Bubble King Cone Skimmers have officially been released for retail pricing and air draw specs. The first shipment is expected in 4-6 weeks.

BK Cone 180 - $1139.99
Air Draw: 400 - 700lph

BK Cone 200 - $1274.99
Air Draw: 500 - 1000lph

BK Cone 250 - $1549.99
Air Draw: 800 - 1800lph
They're beautiful looking

I'll send Klaus an email to get specs on neck sizes. That way we can compare air draw ratio to the other RE skimmers out there.
BK Cone Specs

BK Cone Specs

Here you guys go.....

Bubble King Cone 180 - $1139.99
Footprint: 9.8" x 13.4"
Height: 20.8"
Neck Diameter: 3.9"
Air Draw: 400 - 700lph

Bubble King Cone 200 - $1274.99
Footprint: 10.6" x 14.5"
Height: 21.6"
Neck Diameter: 4.9"
Air Draw: 500 - 1000lph

Bubble King Cone 250 - $1549.99
Footprint: 12.6" x 16.9"
Height: 23.2"
Neck Diameter: 5.9"
Air Draw: 800 - 1800lph
Keep in mind these are pretty conservative ratings from the manuf. I would trust the 180 up to about 200g, depending on stock load.
Any more tests on this?
Would want to know how it compares to the expensive supermarines...
these seem better priced somehow..
I saw these in Germany, they are really small. The reaction chamber is much smaller than Alpha or even minis maybe. Hence the smaller tank rating.
I would stick to Alpha or ATB.
Also the air draw is much less.
The air draw being less is not that big of an issue, as it has a smaller neck to match that. The Alpha's have much higher air draw, but they also have a much larger neck.

The Super Marin is still the top performer in my opinion, it's going to be hard to beat that skimmer.
m just noticed that they have supermarines better priced than bubble king.
Whats up with this? theres a rd 2000 in the 250 supermarines, but its still cheaper than a buble king. The double cone uses a rd 1500 so it even though neck is smaller, its still pretty good pumps...
For a 250 gallon, which of these would be best (with a little room to upgrade of course..)
Yes, the Super Marin, Bubble King Delux's, Mini BK's, Vertex Alpha's, and the new Bubble King Cone are all made by Royal-Exclusiv.
Soo, theres in no big difference in a supermariens and a Bubble King?
Which means a lot cheaper for me to get supermariens in Eu anyway :)