New BK Cone!

Correct, they are two different designs made by the same manufacturer. In my opinion the Super Marin is the best performing skimmer on the market.
Thanks for confirming my idea, in this hobby its really not only the price but important to buy something that you know will bring you years of quality operation.
Soon to join the BK club :)
which one is the best choice for me?(Money is 2nd choice)

400G FOT

BK 300
SM 300
alpha 300
cone 250

Alpha 250.... The 300 models are too big, not matter which model line you look at, and the Alpha 250 will be cheaper than the BK Cone 250, giving you more bang for the buck.
Hi Jeremy!

Sorry my friend, but I get confused here. :spin1:

As you said:
Correct, they are two different designs made by the same manufacturer. In my opinion the Super Marin is the best performing skimmer on the market.

Is Super Marin superior in performance? Why?

Alpha 250.... The 300 models are too big, not matter which model line you look at, and the Alpha 250 will be cheaper than the BK Cone 250, giving you more bang for the buck.

Thinking about a setup with 800g what is the best option?
- Bubble King Super Marin 300 with Red Dragon II; or
- Vertex Cone Alpha 300

Please, don't consider the costs, just performance and your personal experience.

And a dumb question, is it SuperMarin or Supermarine and is it comes with Red Dragon OR Red Dragon II? Is it an optional?

Here's the picture of the Bubble King Supermarin or Supermarin 300, right?
If cost is not of a concern then in my opinion I would go with the Super Marin. I think the Super Marin is the strongest pinwheel / venturi skimmer available on the market. That is a photo of the SM300 you posted.
Hello,yesterday arrived the first ones to Spain!!one of them was for me!!here you have some pics and a short video of it!








as you see there it is starting to get out dust and was only about 20 minutes on!!
I have heard a similar rumor that these or no BK skimmers in general will be comming to the states. is there any update on the status of BK skimmers in the U.S.?
There was just a big shipment of BK skimmers that arrived in North America last week. That is nothing more than just a rumor. However, I can tell you that I am unsure if the new BK cone will come to North America or not though. There just isn't any demand for that particular skimmer over here.
There just isn't any demand for that particular skimmer over here.

I want one but I already have a BK skimmer and it works great. I bet it would gain in popularity once its been put to use and some good reviews start circulating.
No, and unfortunately I doubt we will see these for sale over here in the states, unless it was special ordered and you didn't mind waiting 6-10 weeks.
I have to say I have been interested in the cone for a while so I thought what the heck.
I found that I could order the 250 directly from Germany for less than buying one in the US.
They were great for around $1350 I picked up the 250 cone in about a week.
I had forgotten to specify 110v but they caught it before shipping my order.

Wow is all I can say this thing is massive!
I'm replacing a BK mini 160 that I've been waiting to replace.
It started out on my 76 gallon with a tiny under the stand sump.
Now I have the 76, 100 gallon frag tank, 40 gallon macro tank and 100g sump. The mini was still doing great but I knew it was time for an upgrade.
Especially since I want to upgrade the display and perhaps add something in the office.

Within 3 minutes this skimmer was already building a foam head. I'm impressed! Even with a new skimmer and the plastic toat lid I needed to put in the sump to make the stand big enough to support the bigger footprint.
I'll need to figure out a more permanent solution but this will do for now.

The screw on collection cup I'm still unsure of. I do like the BK mini style that's a snug fit cup but we'll see.

I still need to tweak it because it's running wide open so I'll post some picks after a few days but here are some from today.

Once again this proves you just can't go wrong with a BK I don't care if it costs more there's something to be said for set it and forget it.
I have enough work to do with the tank I don't need a finicky skimmer.




Looks great, keep us posted on how it works for you.

Thanks Jeremy,
So far so good it's skimming great the throat seems to stay cleaner. I don't know if it's just the size compared to my Mini 160 but the chunks of skimmate that would build up in the throat of the 160 are being pushed into the cup with the 250 cone.

I did mess up a little with the Mini 160. I can't believe a bleach and water soak caused some crazing on my 160's collection cup inner ring.
It still works fine and doesn't leak or seep. But now I have to blow it out for next to nothing on ebay since it's not as pretty as it once was. :headwallblue:

Oh well live and learn do not use bleach or even hot water on acrylic.