New Canon G12, Please help.


New member
I'm not ready for a DSLR so i just picked up a new point & shoot (Canon G12). Problem is, i don't even know what all the buttons and knobs are. The accompanying documents were of little use. Could someone please point me to a place where i can learn more about this camera and how to use it? Thanks for your time. Bob.
I don;t have the cmaera but a Google search would probably start you in the right direction. Even something about "how to pictures in manual mode", or "shooting RAW" is bound to give you some usefull information.
Yeah there are a lot of those buttons and knobs, huh? ;)

Good pickup. That's a competent point and shoot. You can start out shooting in automatic modes but eventually I suggest moving towards shooting using manual settings and RAW. Here's a site with some basic photo taking info and a slant towards reef tank photography: Ximina's site

As far as which button does what on your camera, I'd follow IPT's advice on that.
I must be dense, only took two days of searching to find the manual on-line. I have a big learning curve ahead of me, but i'm looking forward to macro's and using the manual controls. I barely even know what RAW is, but i'm really excited about the capabilities of this camera. I appreciate the link to Ximina's site.
I plan on picking up the Tele Converter lens, adapter, and possibly the remote in the next two weeks. Thank you both.
The beauty of digital is that you can burn thru shots and it is at no additional cost. Part of learning (for me at least) was changing settings and seeing what happened to the image as a result. Have fun.
I have taken hundreds of shots now, mostly in an auto-focus or preset scene mode. The camera takes very nice photos in this manner. I'm am trying to decipher the various controls a little at a time. It is amazing what can be done with this camera by a novice. Ximina's site was very helpful. Hopefully the G12 will satisfy my desires, and not fuel the urge to go DSLR. LOL. I'll try to post some pictures once I figure this out. Still have so much to learn.
I've decided in this camera after a lot of research, I just haven't purchased yet. I'm looking forward to seeing some reef shots!