new colt coral


New member
I just got a nice colt coral (I think it's Alcyonia spp. based on pics Ive seen) Sorry I cant post pic, it's too big. Anything special I need to know?? The books I have arent too specific and I havent heard anything special on RC yet.

He's pretty high in my tank, gonna be T5 in a week (he was under MH in the store), small skimmer, med/high flow, good/great water params, feed invert smorgasboard like other corals in tank (actinodiscus, zooanthus, GSP) Also have Caulustrea. Any vitamins, supplements needed?

Thanks for the help folks...
Bought mine a little over a year ago and now it's huge. Only thing I added to the tank for it was Iodine once a week and feed it DT's twice a week. They do seem to have a good appetite.
One thing I did notice when I upgraded to MH lighting was that it bleached out. If your new lighting system is going to be a lot stronger than what you have it under now you will need to acclimate it to the new lights.
I planned on getting some screen from HD. I suspect that my new T5's will be much brighter than my PC's and I had heard of the need to acclimate to the new lights.

How about flow? hes almost directly in the way of one of my powerheads. Seems not to mind and I figure he can suck the nasty out of the water ( Ive got a wimpy skimmer).