Looking at getting a 30L x30W x20H aquarium. And am looking at lighting options. Saw these lights and was wondering if they would work for my intended application:
24-36 Inch DUAL Orbit
I plan on hanging them up to 10" from the top of the aquarium and want to keep a mixed reef with corals requiring high light output
- Would I be able to keep SPS in other than the top tier of the aquarium, if not about how far from top would I have to place them?
- Would they provide enough coverage to the entire tank?
- And finally, can they be synced to one another in terms of exact time of day for ramping programs, lighting schedule with one unit and the other acting as a slave unit, etc?
I have read through this thread and see you suggesting the
Maxspect 27 Inch Razor 15,000K regularly. If the Orbits would not be optimal for my set up, if not, what would you recommend to get coverage over the tank?
And not light related, but for powerheads. Looking at either
Maxspect Gyre XF130 or
VorTech MP10wQD for flow. Will two of the Vortechs work? These will be mounted to back wall of tank.
Thank you for your time.