New Derasa, just a baby :)


Premium Member
Here is my new Derasa, Only Picked him up Yestarday afternoon. After the long 5 hours to acclimate him, he was nestled into his new home. He is just under 10.5". As a reference, the Purple Maxima Next to him is 5 inches, and the Squamosa 3.5.



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Here is my new Derasa, Only Picked him up Yestarday afternoon. After the long 5 hours to acclimate him, he was nestled into his new home. He is just under 10.5". As a reference, the Purple Maxima Next to him is 5 inches, and the Squamosa 3.5.
holy cow, that is a big freakin clam, we have one almost identical to that in the display tank at my work
