New England Frag Farmer's Market 3/11/17

Last night was set-up for the vendors and I have to say, there are going to be more corals, more dry goods, and more AWESOME stuff in the raffle at this FFM than there has ever been before. This will be the biggest and best FFM that there has ever been. If you are on the fence about coming out this year- definitely come out. There is nowhere that you will see this many corals all in one place. There are a bunch of new people selling this year and we did successfully make it all the way across the country, with our first vendor from CA!
It's almost time. I stayed in CT last night just to not have to drive from LI this morning. It's gonna be great.

CTARS is ready!!

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Hey, I only just heard about this today so I wasn't able to make it but someone said this event would also be going on tomorrow. Is that true?
Nope. Everything is broke down one day event. It was a blast, sorry you missed it set a reminder in you phone for beginning of March for next year's event!

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Yeah, sorry but FFM only happens once a year. Its like Christmas for reefers but I have to run around and open all the doors, move all the furniture and make sure Santa has everything that he needs...
Yeah, sorry but FFM only happens once a year. Its like Christmas for reefers but I have to run around and open all the doors, move all the furniture and make sure Santa has everything that he needs...

And you do an amazing job! Thanks again for all that you do

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Want to say thanks to Jon(fitch4) all his helpers, CTARS and everyone else that had a hand in making this event possible. We had a blast and can't wait todo it again next year.
What was the final attendance number this year? Other demographic data was collected at the entrance this year (i.e. State attendee came from, how many FFMs they have been to). It would be interesting to see that information for this past event. Though the data may not exist, it would also be interesting to see the attendance, #vendors, #of rooms, ... over the last 10 years. Thanks for all your tremendous effort putting on this great event!
Final attendance for the FFM was 1130 for this year. That is up over 100 from last year, so the FFM continues to grow! I do have the data for where people come from and how many times they have been. Anthony collected that info at the door for me. Let me see if I can pull it out and post it. Glad you enjoyed it again, and I am already working on next year's FFM. Save March 3rd, 2018!
Here is the data from the people who came to the FFM this year. Not any big suprises, lots of CT, MA and NY people. Some of the smaller states don't have as many RI, NH, VT and the farther from CT you get the smaller the number as well. Still cool to see- thanks Anthony!
FFM XI is going to be on March 3rd 2018- mark your calendars! The biggest show in the NE is coming back for another round next year!