New England Frag Farmer's Market 3/11/17

Fragcity will not be a vendor at the OSRAS Conference. He has also been banned from our forum.
Let's all have a great show!
Agreed! Lets have a great Frag Farmer's Market and then a great OSRAS conference a month after.
Thanks Deb!
Ok, i must be missing something, but doesn't matter i wont be missing all the corals up at FFM.. we need more pictures for this thread...
Yea where are all your photos!!!!

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Yes we need more pics where's all the teasers


I will be bringing 300+ acro frags and some LPS [emoji16][emoji106]
Would it be worth me coming if I could only get there around say 3PM?

I have a FOWLR which I want to convert to a reef tank soon, this could be worth me going I assume to buy some stuff to start with? Maybe I should PM you? Its only 50 miles from me.
Would it be worth me coming if I could only get there around say 3PM?

I have a FOWLR which I want to convert to a reef tank soon, this could be worth me going I assume to buy some stuff to start with? Maybe I should PM you? Its only 50 miles from me.

I would say yes. At 3-4pm vendors like to cut prices to reduce the amount of stock taken home. Lots of great corals left at that time.

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Well I currently only have a normal white LED strip on my tank as its just an FOWLR, however I am planning on buying correct lighting. Looks like I may need to order the lights tonight if I plan on buying any corals for this coming weekend.
Darn it Mike. You beat me to it. I was going to say the same thing. For someone new into reefing, late is a great time to come as people tend to want to get rid of things so they have less to bring home. Stop by and see me in room 107 and I will hook you up with a few starter corals for your tank- stuff we have grown at the school.
Yeah I already took a half day at work so I can come down there Saturday! Going to order the lights I need tonight.
Yeah I already took a half day at work so I can come down there Saturday! Going to order the lights I need tonight.

Do you know what type of lighting you'll be going after? Lots of reefers to give you advice or find a deal at the show! Maybe even win a light if Jon has that in the Arsenal!

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I ordered the Mars Aqua omes everyone seems to be loving. They were cheap and seem to be good for the small amount of cash they cost.