New fish store in cape coral

Theresa, if that's the one that was just in the Newspress- no. The other one -Mike's Corals- I haven't been in since it first opened. I went in today, and he has a lot of nice stuff- metalic frogspawns and anchors. Good prices too.
Dawn, I went in today, and it was nice, not a lot of stock, but the prices were good. Its pretty new, I think they are just getting started. I'm going back thurs or fri to see what they get in new.
Hows your tank doing. Mine is great, but i cant wait to get mine upgraded. Our new house is about half done, so i will get it up then.
I will go by too then and see. My tank is great,except I keep battling algae! There doesn't seem to be much action on this forum any more- no one ever responded to my last attempt to get together again. Regards, dawn.
I went out there yesterday, and wasn't happy to see they were closed during normal store hrs.- not even a sign or explanation for it!
Amber, it's on Pine Island Rd. in the same group of builings as the Newspress. my daughter stopped by last week- had all of 4 or 5 corals.... Dawn.