new frags :-)


Active member
good friend of mine hooked me up after the flood in the northeast here.
purple cap, two different efflos, both are purple rimmed , one with white polyps , one with green ( suspicious that the green polyp one may be a soli), a tort like coral that's electric green with deep royla purple corallites, and a strange stag that i think may be A. pulchra that has blue lipped corallites.
Looks like the fist is a soli efflo, beside it is a cali tort, second pic on the right looks like a red echno, not sure what the third pic is the green and purple frag has killer color though... I like it a lot!!! The last pic looks like another efflo..... very nice frag selection..... I need more friends like that!!!!
Tagging a long I have the same piece
the tort like coral that's electric green with deep royal purple corallites,
It was sold to me as some kind of Bonsai but its not obviously
Stunning coral though :)
hrmm ok i probably should have said which ones i thought were which lol. the A. sp pulchra? is in focus on pic one.
the one i suspect to be a soli is in pic 4 all by itself, the mother colony was very branchy rather than a solid plate like the efflo frag in pic 3 on the right.
And the tortish one ( i'm guessing cali tort just really colored up) is in the 3rd pic on the left. if you look in bytor's pics on the last page you'll see the mother colony