Also a thought on the rock...if you took those two rock out of the center and put them up higher you could have two awesome islands.
I was thinking the same thing. I'm pretty picky about my aquascapes, this would be my 4th that I am currently running, and probably my 100th overall, but without a doubt the most complex. I want to keep a plateau in the center as to not diverse from the rule of 3rds. That being said, I have had dreams (literally) about the two island thing. Once my chapped knuckles stop stinging, I will move the center around a bit.
In regards to the evap topic, I am taking your previous advice, and keeping 2 gallons of rodi in the cabinet for top off at all times. I have a 35g resivior of rodi, and will keep that topped as well.
From what I've noticed in my curing tub, I will be topping off about .3 -.5 gallon every day in rodi. I figure if I pour half of that number in the morning, and the other half at night, I can avoid swings in salinity/temp. I should also add, every Saturday is maintenence day for all my critters, I spend about 1.5 hours doing water changes, and cleaning glass, so this is just an added 20 mins for a weekly vacuum and 10%WC
Any thoughts on that?
Ad far as an ato, I already have too much equipment in the DT for my liking. My FW aquascapes are almost naked in terms of equipment, so even the use of powerheads and heaters in this tank kinda bug me. I did however manage to hide the maxijet1200 behind one of the rock piles, and that helps curb my ocd.